My new email is:
Please be sure to use the 1 after cichlidsarespeical otherwise, I will not get your email.
My old email will stop working Friday 2/15 in the morning.
This what I call a water change
Sent from my GT-P7510 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
I am discontinuing my current special orders program due to lack of sales generated by it compared to the time it takes to produce these long fish lists. Instead, my site now will set up a data base for me from your requests/wish lists. I will check these lists when ordering fish and if the...
I have a 55 gallon tank Mix cichlid tank. !6 Cichlids, sizes range from 2.5 to 4 inches long with 6 Algae eater snails. I have a Aqua Clear 110 power filter on the tank. How often should i change the carbon and ammonia clear pouches in the filter???
So I just did a 1/3 water change in my 55g tank. It had been 2 weeks since my last water change since I was out for surgery. Normally I use my aqueon python thing to take the water out and then buckets to put water in. Well today i used the python thing for both. To protect against clorine...
Currently, the chief resident of my 55 gallon tank is a beautiful severum. He's pretty large. Currently, there are maybe 6 Buenos Aires tetras and 4 Bolivan rams. Thing is, I kinda want some more color. I'm wondering if I might be able to get away with adding a group of rainbow cichlids...
This is my 75g Metaframe w/original slate bottom.
The breeder net has 6 babies that were free from the store. They are beyond cute! Everyone is acting like regular fish, no aggression yet, but they have some growing to do. I'll have to look at the receipts to figure out how many I have and all...
Starting today only CCA Club members will be allowed to start, run, or participate in group buys that use the CCA name on them.
If you are a club member please check the rules in the Group Buy section.
Hi all.
Lots of you have heard me babbling on about my multi-tank water change system.
In case anyone is curious as to how it works, I finally wrote it all down, and illustrated it with photos.
That poll thread about changing water that started up in the fall has gotten me thinking about water changes in my fish room.
At first, when I was setting it up, several folks here suggested I build in an automatic waterchanging system. Of course, in my haste to get a few tanks set up, then a...
This happened again this weekend. I have a 30-gallon, set up for two months, with two established filters, lightly stocked and lightly fed. I test every morning for nitrite and it's zero. I did a water change this weekend, about 25 percent. I added more than enough Prime. I did not shut off any...
I've got a group of 20 cyps in my tang community tank. I've only had 3 broods from 2 females over many months. Only 1 of the females held long enough to strip, and the 4 fry I recovered escaped a breeder net, so I have no fry to show for it. I've had about half the group for a year and the...
First of all, thanks to everyone for their advice so far with my tank.
Today was my first water change, and I'm sad to say, it did NOT go well.
My tank is a 45G Tall (3' long), sandy substrate, rocky rock, Tang tank. I added 4 L. Stappersi on last Saturday. One did not survive...