
  1. jonclark96

    BFD 2016 Registration is LIVE

    The Big Fish Deal 2016 Registration is now Open! Register today!
  2. gravel_digger

    Pics from AquaMania BFD 3

    I know I am a late getting them out there but here they are... Just do a cut a paste into a browser window and off you go.... hope everyone enjoys them...
  3. Dana


    To many nice fish!!! Not enough money:( THANKS to all the people how took the time to bring all these fish to the marketplace. Just wish I had more money :lol: Dana
  4. Andrewtfw

    BFD things to be aware of

    Just a few things to note: 1. All talks are now in the room by registration and the raffles 2. Ted Judy's second talk topic has changed. It is now on his 2011 trip to Gabon 3. Registration for the event/marketplace is now walk-up only. 4. If you saw all of the amazing fish in holding tanks for...
  5. Reed

    FS at the BFD

    Straight from the Very Fishe Room (VFR) here this is what Ill be bringing to the BFD. I will have several nice size males and a couple of bags of each of the Juvies. Most Juvies are 1.5"+ some larger. I am selling the males on a first come basis at the show to give the non Fish Ninjas a chance...
  6. M

    FS: Delivery to BFD

    Available for delivery to BFD - can deliver Friday evening or Sunday morning. Soribum lima - lima shovelnose - $25 Crenicichla regani - with beautiful ocular spots - $25 Lepidosiren paradoxa,lungfish, now only 3" long - will grow to about 4' - $10 Panaque sp. 'papa' - white edging on tail fin -...
  7. Pat Kelly

    The BFD

    We are CCA!
  8. chriscoli

    BFD Schedule of Events

    I've had a few people ask about the schedule. it's available on the event's page, but I figured I'd post it here too: Fri, Feb 27 6:00 – 9:00 PM Registration Desk Open 5:00 – 10:00 PM Aquarium Beautiful Tank Placement and Set-Up 8:00 – 9:00 PM Ted Judy – West African Aquariums 9:30...
  9. chriscoli

    BFD Room Block is closing soon

    5 days left to get your hotel room at the reduced rate!
  10. jonclark96

    Tangled Up In Cichlids Pre-Order for Delivery to the BFD

    CCA: We are glad that Jeff Rapps at Tangled Up In Cichlids will be attending the BFD this year. Jeff has been at both previous event, and this year will be set up all weekend in the vendor room. As in the past, Jeff is taking pre-orders for delivery to the BFD! Below is the link to the...
  11. jonclark96

    BFD Group Buy - Cichlids of the Americas!

    CCA: We are extremely happy to announce that Dan at Cichlids of the Americas will be sending some donations for the Rare Fish Auction and has offered to do a group buy for delivery to AquaMania 3. Dan has been a consistent supporter of the event and the CCA, so take advantage of this great...
  12. Frank Cowherd


    Entries to date in the Aquamania BIG FISH DEAL's Aquarium Beautiful Contest. There are 18 days until the event. There are five classes: 1. Nano ------ Four entries to date. 2. Medium -- Two entries to date 3. Large ----- Zero entries to date 4. CARES ---- One entry...
  13. Andrewtfw

    Please help out at the BFD Registration table

    Hello friends, Based on the feedback of those who volunteered at the registration table last year, I am scaling back the number of volunteers per hour that I am requesting this year. Unless otherwise noted, each time slot is to be filled by one person. If you are willing to donate an hour...
  14. chriscoli

    Have you reserved your BFD room?

    Make sure you reserve your hotel room for the upcoming BFD event! The block closes FEBRUARY 20TH! You can reserve it by going to this link: or call either 301-977-8900 (hotel direct and ask for...
  15. dogofwar

    BFD - Saturday Night Rare Fish Auction Donations

    One of the fun parts of AquaMania - The Big Fish Deal is the Saturday Night Rare Fish Auction, in which registered attendees have the opportunity to bid on a selection of rare, unusual and cool fish donated by hobbyists and sponsors. I'm planning to donate: - Cryptoheros septemfaciatus...
  16. Pat Kelly

    the BFD

    April 18th, Rachel O'Leary will be presenting! Summer Tubbin'- Breeding fish in Container Gardens
  17. chriscoli

    BFD Volunteer needed

    Hey, do we have anybody that's really good at calling companies and asking for donations? We have a list of companies that have already received an email, but I need to work with a few folks that can help follow up with a phone call. If I can divide up the list with a few people it'll go...
  18. jonclark96

    Get Your Table for The BFD Now!

    Hey CCA, We are only 8 short weeks away from the Big Fish Deal! Please make sure that you register now and get your table in the Marketplace if you plan on selling fish. There are only a limited amount of tables to be had and they won't last forever. Not sure if you have enough stuff to...
  19. chriscoli

    BFD website is up and running

    We've been getting a lot done these last few weeks to get the BFD website up and running for you. Please go check it out by clicking on "AquaMania" on the navigation bar at the top of the page, or...go here: I'm still adding a few details here and there...
  20. msjinkzd

    Available for the BFD!

    Please email me at should you want me to bring you any goodies to the event this weekend. Iw ill also be vending on Sunday, but a limited stocklist. Shrimp Blue velvet $4 Orange rili $7 Chocolate neocaridina$5, few left Red cherry $2 (adults) Amano $2 Snails Horned...