A bit of silliness


The past few days have been an absolute disaster in fish-keeping, flooding things, digging through tanks to catch very dodgy fish, rushing around with hoses and buckets, cleaning sponge filters, etc.

I've finally found a nail polish that stands up to it all... So if you, like me, enjoy a little nail color and a lot of fish keeping, I wholeheartedly recommend the Mineral Fusion brand of polish, provided you can keep your hands out of a tank long enough to let it dry.


Funny, if I didn't know you better, I would've thought this was a spam post. Sounds like a good testament for them though.

Nope, bought it at the grocery store on whim on Sunday. It's made it nearly 48 hours without peeling, chipping, etc. I'm astonished. Granted, I haven't tried to use my nails as a screwdriver since applying it, but I'm usually lucky if I get 8-12 hours out of a polish. I've done multiple water changes, rearranged rocks in a couple of tanks, was digging through sand substrate, etc. I'm honestly impressed. Hopefully it will come off easily when I do want to get rid of it. I bet it makes good touch up paint for cars, too :p.


apparently the nail polish is vegan, too. But seriously, I'm kind of digging the Blue Nile color.

Yeah. The lack of harsh chemicals and awesome colors got my attention. I'm hoping it doesn't completely fry my nails the way other polishes do. It does dry pretty fast for a crunchy granola type polish.