Aquafest auction


What if I want to auction items/fish that don't sell during the spree on 3. Can I register the items on Saturday?


CCA Members
It also says that auction registration would be available at Saturday's CCA meeting and the most recent pvas or gwapa meeting. I must have missed that. What does one do to register for the auction?

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Past CCA President

I am assuming it is like PVAS auctions in the past. If you are registered in MGA, then all you need to do is give them your email address at the auction and it will pull up your info. Usually have to leave your drivers license in order to get your bidder's card to secure payment.



CCA Members

I am assuming it is like PVAS auctions in the past. If you are registered in MGA, then all you need to do is give them your email address at the auction and it will pull up your info. Usually have to leave your drivers license in order to get your bidder's card to secure payment.


It takes just a second, but if you are registered on MGA(MyGroupAuctions) with CCA, but not PVAS you will want to add PVAS as one of your groups(there is an "Join a Group" link from the first page). You can tell if you are affiliated with PVAS by it being listed under "My Groups" and seeing the AquaFest Auction and Tag Sales.


CCA Members
81 items already listed in the auction. The sooner you list it the more people see it. Here is the list so far(duplicates listed once):

Proven pair of Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
Mixed sex group of Tequila Sunrise guppies
Breeding group of Brachyraphis roseni
Pair of Xenotoca variata
Pair of Charachodon lateralis, los berras,MX
4 Ancistrus triradiatus
20+ Red Cherry Shrimp
6 Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "Lobe" juveniles
Breeding group of Corydoras Melanotaenia
Colony of Black Bar Endlers - 20 +
Premium Black Platy - 10 Pack
Proven Pair Electric Blue Rams
1 Pair German Blue Rams
6 Unsexed Gold Rams
8 Red Wag Platy's
3 Pairs Red Tailed Snakeskin/cobra Guppies
1 gallon of Bio Balls
API 1500 watt Pond deicer with thermostically controlled and auto shutoff
1 Clown Loach
1 Albino Red Tailed Shark
6 Black angelfish
6 Silver angelfish
Java Fern
1 Upside Down Catfish Synodontis Nigriventris
1 Pink Gourami
10 Bronze cory catfish
12 Albino Cory Catfish
6 Panda Cory Catfish
Nymphoides SP Taiwan - Nice light green plant- fast growing - easy to propagate
1/2 lb. unopened Spirulina flake food From Kens
All-Glass 48" Delux Fluorescent Aquarium Reflector, 120 volt, 40 watt, needs starter
Nearly New and working Tetra Whisper Power Filter 20, with three new cartridges inside box
Attractive and easy to maintain desk aquarium, effectively uses gravity to keep fish records in place. Save valuable fish, plants and aquascaping time
Critically Endangered Extinct in the wild C.A.R.E.S Species Zoogoneticus tequila (Cresent Goodeide) Breeding Colony of 8
Fluval U2 Filter
Firetailed Gudgeons. (3+) Never offered in US before. Mixed sexes.
Laetacara thayeri. Young adults. Unsexed.
Hygroryza aristata. Free duckweed attached.
Apisto. cacatuoides 'Orange Flash' juveniles. Unrelated parents.
Green Dragon Bristlenose unsexed juveniles. (5+)
Assassin snails. Various sizes. (5+)
Six Assassin Snails
Pair Betta Patoti
Breeding Colony of Tequila Sunrise Guppies
Mated pair of L10a Red Lizard Catfish


CCA Members
Typically several hundred items will be available :eek:


There is an incentive to add your items early. Short story enter early and add photos = get more exposure. Stock photos can be used, but should be labeled as such.

The details.

The auction staff will identify the first 25 items and top 25 items in advance of the auction.

The first 25 items will be items that are of broad interest. To be in the first 25, the seller must provide a picture. Things like CARES species that attract interest, but NOT necessarily high bids could be included in this group.

The top 25 items will be items that are generally the highest tickets items. This isn't to say they will necessarily be the highest selling items in the auction, but they should attract high bids. Photos will help your item, but we may be willing to look up a photo.

For both categories 10 of the items will be selected tomorrow. So an early entry has a better chance of making the lists. Right now an item has about 20% chance of making one of the lists.

If enough items are in the tag sale, we may do a feature for that also.
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