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Your Fish Stuff at AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal)!


CCA Members
Super excited that Bill and Yvonne from Your Fish Stuff (www.yourfishstuff.com) will have a table at AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal) on Friday night, Saturday and at the Marketplace on Sunday!

Since 2004, Your Fish Stuff has been committed to providing the best quality selection of bulk fish food and aquarium supplies for a wide variety of different fishkeeping and aquarist needs.

Make sure to visit YFS!



Past CCA President
What a great late addition to the roster of awesome vendors attending The BFD! Not only are Bill and Yvonne really good people, they have some great products as well.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member

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speaking of, it looks like they did away with the super soft spirulina :( either way, time to buy some food!

From what I understand talking to Bill at K1 - the company that made the soft spirulina and the krill doesn't make them anymore. He was looking for another source - maybe we'll get lucky and he found one!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Don't miss out on this one.
Bill and Yvonne are great people and the product is great.

I also buy my Safe and New Life Spectrum from them.
In fact even though I have 3+ 5lb containers of NLS, I preordered more of it just to make sure you guys did not buy it all this weekend. LOL


potamotrygon fan
Perfect timing. I just ran out of krill.
I just checked the site and they have freeze dried silkworms:eek: