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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Trip to my Local Fish Store... Tropical Lagoon


Support your local fish store.... Tropical Lagoon... I start going there since 1993?

9439 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 585-6562








Bettas!... that is what Jason want... few night ago... he saw this betta photo... and he say he want it.... so we went to the LFS under the big bad wolf...


I'm not too old to remember that happy kid feeling, and I remember sitting with my dad while he changed my fishes' water (hopefully that wasn't supposed to be my job!). Thanks for bringing happy kid new- fish smiles to memory. (though I think I still get that feeling.)

Rasta Fish

The Betta will kill the guppies..i would suggest Neon Tetras
I just setup a planted 40 breeder for my son and he is loving it
I had one Betta in there with lots of guppies/tetras and white clouds
the Betta attack all of the guppies, i have to remove him from the 40 breeder

**of course it all started out with one, two, three..NOW SIX Betta
so be prepared to expand


Past CCA President
The Betta will kill the guppies..i would suggest Neon Tetras
I just setup a planted 40 breeder for my son and he is loving it
I had one Betta in there with lots of guppies/tetras and white clouds
the Betta attack all of the guppies, i have to remove him from the 40 breeder

**of course it all started out with one, two, three..NOW SIX Betta
so be prepared to expand

Francine was suggesting guppy grass the plant not guppies the fish.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


My 2yr old loves that store. The turtle (will be gone once the temperature stabilizes), talking birds, 2 cats, dog, and Steve (owner) letting my son pet the bearded dragons makes for a great trip