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spent a little time in the room

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I actually spent 2 hours in the fishroom yesterday cleaning up. No water changes, No algea cleaning. Just cleaning up all the crap I leave laying around. It just piles up.
Usually I spend a lot of time on water and never on the other stuff. I also moved some fry around and mixed up 3 months worth of Safe.


Also its funny how different the back grounds look with different light bulbs above them.
All except the top 3 on the left and the right middle are painted the same color. You would never know it with this picture.
As I turn over tanks I now paint them the darker blue you see on top left.


Former CCA member
Me too. I finished setting up my outdoor pond/tub, and moved some fish into it, which meant that I needed to put away the 15 gallon tank sitting in the middle of the floor, and several bags of pumps and other equipment. Room looks a lot nicer cleaned up.


Yep, I've been needing to do that too. My fishroom's a complete disaster right now. Amazing how much stuff can accumulate.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Heck, I could spend another couple hours just cleaning out filters. LOL

Sometimes I wish I had 2 or 3 days with nothing to do but get caught up in the fishroom. Never ends. Or so it seems.


Well-Known Member
And its not just the fish stuff that accumulates around here. I could spend a week just trying to clean up and get rid of all the random stuff that finds its way in and around the house.

I thought you weren't supposed to premix Safe until you were ready to use it.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
And its not just the fish stuff that accumulates around here. I could spend a week just trying to clean up and get rid of all the random stuff that finds its way in and around the house.

I thought you weren't supposed to premix Safe until you were ready to use it.

I have been doing it for about 1 1/2 years. I mix a bunch at one time. I put a date on the bottles (paint pen) and it usally lasts me 3 months of normal water changes. My normal water changes are 50-75% every 2 weeks or so. So far so good.
I also have a smaller bottle that I use in my "travel" set up. I would guess that mixture is 1 year old or so. Used it to set up at AquaMania without any issues.
Am I pressing my luck? Possibly but I prefer the ease of premixed with out the expense of buying it that way.