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Road Trips - I need your input

How would you prefer to travel?

  • Leave me alone, I don't want to go anywhere.

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I prefer to drive alone.

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I'd rather make my own arrangements with someone and pitch in for gas and tolls.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Go with a group of people and spend $100-200. Nobody has to drive

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Go with a group of people and spend $200-300. Nobody has to drive - luxury version

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes! Include the store hop!

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Hey everyone, I know that this is coming right on the heels of our awesome Big Fish Deal event, but we've got some other amazing fish-related happenings coming up this year that MIGHT benefit from a club-sponsored road trip.

I'm doing the research, but I want to know your thoughts on it. Road trips can be fun, and it is really nice having someone to split the driving (or maybe do all of the driving?). For estimation purposes, let's use this year's upcoming ACA convention as an example:

The event is located in Cromwell, CT, which is a 5.5 to 6 hr drive from my house just north of the DC metro area. We'd go up on a Thursday or Friday, come home on Sunday or Monday (all depending on what people want to do - the auction is supposed to be epic this year). We'd leave room in the vehicle for lots of baggage and styros.

Which of the following choices would you be interested in? (you can pick more than one)

Would you also want someone to plan in an aquarium store hop on the way there or the way back?

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Cool idea.
The wife and I usually go early or stay late to explore an area for vacation when it comes to ACA conventions.

In the past we used to have a road trip in the summer. We went to All Odd Ball Aquatics one year and to Frybabies a few times. We used to meet up or caravan but I like your idea for conventions. I know some other clubs do it.


Past CCA President
I like floating the idea out there. Another option is a variation of the "pitch in for gas/tolls" but find a group through the club. Something where we help put the group together, but costs would be a bit lower than having a hired driver, although the thought have being able to sleep all the way home while someone else drives does have its appeal!


Makes me wish I still had my 8-seater Dodge Ram....

I would love to do a shop-hop for a day (I think NJAS used to rent a tour bus for something like that), but after $100 on transportation who can afford fish? Multi-day trips are just not doable at this stage of my life.


CCA Members
I think it’s a great idea. I love to drive and/or navigate on road trips. Remember the AAA trip ticks they used to give out? As a kid I’d track the highlighted line and check off the towns.


I agree that on top of the cost of hotel, and fish, paying a triple-digit number if transportation is a lot. What would be a better price point to aim for?


Active Member
Staff member
I am going, I have already reserved my room. As I am going and already planning on paying for gas and tolls, I would be happy to give some people a ride. Don't know if I will plan to stay for the whole auction, That one can go pretty late, unless you want to go home Monday.


Well-Known Member
Travel costs of course depend on how far away the event is but whether you drive there or fly there not sure you could get there under 3 digits factoring in gas and tolls.

I could put the other 2 bench seats back in my van and be able to haul 12 people. Divide gas and tolls up by 12 might make it cheaper than 3 digits per person and could take shifts driving for long road trips.

I like the go with a group of people and pitch in for gas and tolls and take shifts driving. Option
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So here's the thing. #1 many people want to take fish and buy fish so don't compare prices to flying....it's apples and oranges. #2 keep in mind that taking fish and bringing fish home means taking a lot of stuff with you. So, if we were to rent a 15 passenger van, I'm figuring that it'll be half-full of people and half-full of styros and stuff.


Staff member
I am going, I have already reserved my room. As I am going and already planning on paying for gas and tolls, I would be happy to give some people a ride. Don't know if I will plan to stay for the whole auction, That one can go pretty late, unless you want to go home Monday.
I would be interested in riding with a group rather than flight or bus. I just wouldn't be able to help with driving.


Staff member
Travel costs of course depend on how far away the event is but whether you drive there or fly there not sure you could get there under 3 digits factoring in gas and tolls.

I could put the other 2 bench seats back in my van and be able to haul 12 people. Divide gas and tolls up by 12 might make it cheaper than 3 digits per person and could take shifts driving for long road trips.

I like the go with a group of people and pitch in for gas and tolls and take shifts driving. Option
More people would drop the cost.


For a shop-hop I'd say $30-$40 would be about my limit. A bit more than a tank of gas, but I don't have to drive - but I'm talking 1-day shop-hop, not a full weekend.


Travel costs of course depend on how far away the event is but whether you drive there or fly there not sure you could get there under 3 digits factoring in gas and tolls.

I could put the other 2 bench seats back in my van and be able to haul 12 people. Divide gas and tolls up by 12 might make it cheaper than 3 digits per person and could take shifts driving for long road trips.

I like the go with a group of people and pitch in for gas and tolls and take shifts driving. Option
You'd be surprised just how many boxes will fit in a van with seats and people.


Well-Known Member
So here's the thing. #1 many people want to take fish and buy fish so don't compare prices to flying....it's apples and oranges. #2 keep in mind that taking fish and bringing fish home means taking a lot of stuff with you. So, if we were to rent a 15 passenger van, I'm figuring that it'll be half-full of people and half-full of styros and stuff.
I wasnt really comparing the prices. Just stating travel is costly in general.

Depending on outdoor weather and vehicle can go overhead for luggage and stuff.


Agreed that more people will drop the cost, and yes overhead racks are available. Been there, done that on a road trip to a previous ACA. There was a sketchy bit of the drive where it looked like we were going to go through a downpour, but otherwise we had awesome weather the entire trip. It's a balancing act between cost and comfort. I hate riding snuggled up to styros and if I doze off, I don't 'want to have to worry about drifting over and drooling on my neighbor. I also don't need a whole bench seat to myself either.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
It's a balancing act between cost and comfort. I hate riding snuggled up to styros and if I doze off, I don't 'want to have to worry about drifting over and drooling on my neighbor. I also don't need a whole bench seat to myself either.



Agreed that more people will drop the cost, and yes overhead racks are available. Been there, done that on a road trip to a previous ACA. There was a sketchy bit of the drive where it looked like we were going to go through a downpour, but otherwise we had awesome weather the entire trip. It's a balancing act between cost and comfort. I hate riding snuggled up to styros and if I doze off, I don't 'want to have to worry about drifting over and drooling on my neighbor. I also don't need a whole bench seat to myself either.
A DIY funnel and some tubing and you have a constant water change method.


Past President
Great idea for a poll, I had a great time on the road trips I went on with CCA members. Indianapolis ACA was fun, and I went on a few road trips to NJ with people which was a blast too. I'm hoping to be able to make ACA this year since it's a driveable location, so I'm curious to see how the results work out and what people would be up for.