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Anyone have extra Texas Holey Rock?

Interested in some Texas Holey Rock. If anyone has some to bring and sell at the Aquamania I wouldn't mind hearing from you!



CCA Members
Interested in some Texas Holey Rock. If anyone has some to bring and sell at the Aquamania I wouldn't mind hearing from you!


A couple of guys might be bringing some to sell at my table(or pre-order). I should have pics in tomorrow or Friday. I will probably post them to the thread for my table.


@jonclark96 - I vented the 3 regani I own last night and 2 are males - I'm good there. I'm really more interested in the syns & Rapps doesn't have any listed. His chucos are $30 each - I'm not looking to spend that much. I've seen labiatus & cits from him too and they are all solid colors - I'm looking for a piebald devil. Thanks for the heads up though.


CCA Members
Anyone still have the Yellow Egyptian Mouthbrooders (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae) that I bred the heck out of a few years ago?


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I have some brevis fry. They are about 3/4 of an inch. I usually don't sell fish that small but then brevis don't get very big. Are fish at 3/4 inch big enough?

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I know this is more of a freshwater/cichlid event but does anyone know if any live rock will be there? Or if anyone has decent pricing on any locally?


Past CCA President
I don't believe there will be any saltwater sellers at the event. You may have luck trying one of the local saltwater clubs.


CCA Members
I know this is more of a freshwater/cichlid event but does anyone know if any live rock will be there? Or if anyone has decent pricing on any locally?

I'm breaking down a 5g nano. How much live rock are ya looking for?
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