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My 125 gallon tank


African cichlids, Malawi and Victoria lakes.
*Don't mind the debris, I just fed the tank so they could come out and not hide.

Hope you all like the song :p

*These are the cichlids that I consider "fit" enough for the tank. I have plenty more, but they need to beef up a bit. :p


M-m-m-m-my Ge-ge-gen-eration loves the fish in your tank...even though you could still double the amount of fish in there.:D


I just introduce the Ruti Island Victorian in the tank today. I have a lot more guys, but their either too small or I know they'll get bullied and eventually will never make it.

Thanks guys!

Oh the song is by a DJ named, RX. He mixes a lot of Bush's old speeches in to crazy songs lol.

I'm entering the Otter Point Jake into the Aquafest show, I think he's got a lot of potential.