Long time, no pics


Been a while since I posted pics, aside from a few in the photo contest... just some pics of a few of my many cichlids.


2015-05-12 20.25.31_resized.jpg

2015-06-02 08.56.23_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.30.41_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.33.15_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.37.49_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.40.40_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.44.21_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.49.38_resized.jpg

2015-11-21 09.34.16_resized.jpg

2015-11-22 18.03.34_resized.jpg


That festae looks like she could use a boyfriend. Send her over this way so she can pair off with my male. Lol!

Nice fish Rich



Thanks, bruh! The comps are doing great, and you guessed it. For me to take pics of fish in that tank, I have to sit in a chair in front of it and camp out a bit. Unless I feed, everyone in that tank runs for cover as soon as I approach! SMH... hell, I recently added a group of feather fins to that tank, and I have yet to see ANY of them. I THINK I caught a glimpse of one the other night. They STAY hidden. Sigh...


Thanks, buddy!


LOL... thanks, man... she already has a boyfriend! Her name is Delilah, and her boyfriend is Samson. Not so easy to get a pic of Samson... she wants to be a model, whereas he is completely camera shy. He will hide when I am near the tank, and won't even come out if food is hitting the water until I walk away. So long as I am not close to the tank, he cruises all around. Ah well... you got all types, I guess!


Thanks, man!

This is just a very small amount of some of my collection... it is unbelievably tough to get pics of a lot of these guys that are not blurry... at least with a phone, anyway! LOL... But I'm sure most of you know that! Happy holidays everyone!



CCA Members
I share your picture taking pain :)



Thanks, bruh! The comps are doing great, and you guessed it. For me to take pics of fish in that tank, I have to sit in a chair in front of it and camp out a bit. Unless I feed, everyone in that tank runs for cover as soon as I approach! SMH... hell, I recently added a group of feather fins to that tank, and I have yet to see ANY of them. I THINK I caught a glimpse of one the other night. They STAY hidden. Sigh...


Thanks, buddy!


LOL... thanks, man... she already has a boyfriend! Her name is Delilah, and her boyfriend is Samson. Not so easy to get a pic of Samson... she wants to be a model, whereas he is completely camera shy. He will hide when I am near the tank, and won't even come out if food is hitting the water until I walk away. So long as I am not close to the tank, he cruises all around. Ah well... you got all types, I guess!


Thanks, man!

This is just a very small amount of some of my collection... it is unbelievably tough to get pics of a lot of these guys that are not blurry... at least with a phone, anyway! LOL... But I'm sure most of you know that! Happy holidays everyone!



CCA Members
I share your picture taking pain :)


+1 I couldn't get a good photo to save my life.

Rich, Do you have any cyps or dithers in with the comps to get them to come out more? I needed them in my tanks to see them more than at feeding time.


+1 I couldn't get a good photo to save my life.

Rich, Do you have any cyps or dithers in with the comps to get them to come out more? I needed them in my tanks to see them more than at feeding time.

I don't have any Tang dithers, but I do have some rainbows in with them, and the rainbows are always out and about. Not all the comps are shy... a couple hang out even when I'm at the tank. But if all of the gibberosas suddenly dart, it spooks everyone... except the rainbows. LOL.

In that tank, a 150 gallon, I have:

Gibberosas (F1 Kitumbas)
fire fin comps
neolamprologus leleupi
Julies (I forget which ones, though... I think transcriptus)
Syndontis catfish
feather fins

2 dwarf plecos

I see everyone, for the most part, except the feather fins.




Thanks, man!


Thanks, buddy... his name is Hershey!

CichlidAddict Andrew:

In order... Herichthys Bocourti, Hypselecara temporalis, Vieja Argentae, Geophagus Steindachneri, Albino Tiger Oscar, Mesoheros Festae, Vieja Synspillum, Hoplarchus Psittacus, Vieja Regani, Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis


No... the Bocourti, Parrot, Argentae, Oscar, Synspillum, Regani and Nic all live in a community 7 ft. 210, with some other friends, so far a bit more difficult to photograph nicely at the moment. The Geo and the Chocolate live in a 6 ft. 220 along with a group of Astoheros Nourisatti, and some other friends also. The festae lives with her boyfriend, and a few Amphilophus Red Iseltas and a couple of small Caquetaia Kraussi, in a 6 ft. 125.
