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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Jeff Rapps has LOTS of cool stuff


Just went to tangled up in cichlids - Jeff Rapps website and he has some really nice fish from Cory pantanalensis, spectacular Hypancistrus, Crenicichla lenticulata "Rio Atabapo and other cool cichlids.I would have to take out a second mortgage for everything I would like to have. Check it out. www.tangledupincichlids.com



Past CCA President
Those pikes are awesome. If only I had a spare tank and a lot of cash for them, I'd buy them in an instant. Lots of other cool stuff on his list as well.


Past CCA President
There was an order but I think only Matt and Michael got in on it. I didn't have room at the time.


Jeff always has some cool stuff... I see a couple of things I might want to get...then again I always do when I look at his stock list lol.


CCA Members
I think Jeff just got back from (vacation in) Brazil... I'll bet that there will be some cool stuff on the list in the not too distant future.

What blew me away on his list is the monster Hoplias (wolf) he has for sale. It's one of the newly described ones. Only gets to like 2' (!).

Mike (DangerChicken) and I did a group order a few weeks ago. I got some sajica and Panama "convicts"...

If I only had unlimited tankspace and money...

Anyone know if ECC is going to reschedule the roadtrip to his place? I'd LOVE to check that out...


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I have often thought about doing our road trip up there or to Atlantis but being so far figured we would not get anybody.
We did go to Pitt one year with about 10 of us.
Maybe I should set up a thread asking if people would go....hmm

okay I highjacked the thread. sorry


CCA Members
There's a YouTube vid of it from a few years ago...way too short though

I'd bet that Jeff could charge admission to check his place out!



Past CCA President
Aquamojo has the video on his youtube channel. It is only a couple of minutes long. I think I could probably spend all day looking at his stock.


Ok, hate me for bursting the bubble.
Two friends of mine are personal friends with Jeff...one, in fact, helped build his new fish room.
It's a personal thing (family)...he does not want strangers on his property.
When we were going there last year it was canceled, literally, days before the trip.

Matt, for CCA I will take another shot.
I just wrote an email to my friend.