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Free: 12" common pleco needs a better home


To make a long story short, we have a 12" common pleco that needs a better home than we are providing or can provide. While my girls will be disappointed to see "Plucky" leave, he really needs a better home. Anyone want to take him home? I can deliver to Saturday's meeting.

The longer story:
A little over a year ago, we got back into this hobby when a friend of ours who travels a lot for a living came home to find his 65 gallon community tank only had about 10 gallons of water in it (an air pump hose had become disconnected and siphoned out 55 g onto his kitchen floor). Surprisingly, all the fish survived. Amy and I had kept a few small fish tanks in college, so when we heard he was looking to get rid of the tank, we took it.

Pretty typical livebearer community tank - guppies, swordtails, some rainbow sharks, and a 12" common pleco that my girls soon named "Plucky" (why is it that when fish get a name, they become pets? LOL).

Here are some pictures of Plucky from those days:


That 65g tank is into its third iteration now - we got rid of the livebearers, and tried to set it up as a nice planted tank, but Plucky hated it and tore everything up. So then we turned it into a Lake Malawi tank with yellow labs, cobalt zebras, a red top zebra, a socolofi and some melanochromis. We though Plucky could be happy in this tank, but the socolofi, the cobalt zebras and the labs keep nipping at him wherever he tries to stop for a little nap. While he has not suffered any fin damage (yet), it is quite clear he is not happy. We simply don't have any other tanks that are both large enough for him and are not planted. So he needs to go. Anyone that can help both him and us would have my gratitude.