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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Fish Info At Meetings


By BIG, I mean that it will get 12"-14" and at that size would probably eat/kill most other tank inhabitants.
I made this post to make sure that interested parties would do some research before they decided to buy them.

They are a beautiful fish!

Mike, the kind of post I really appreciate. A new fish to learn about - but I don't have to look it up right away. It is good of you to tell us what this Buc not is. (I couldn't call it BN)

BIG tells me I don't have enough room for these (yet).


I wish more people would state what the fish are usually like right up front. It would help tremendously! Most people don't know scientific names. I only have a vague idea for genus names for a bunch of New Worlds and the Mbunas..........

Personally, I think there are a lot of fish in the auction which would be in high demand if more people just knew what they were and where they were from and what their personality is like. Its also a great way to learn more about fish!!!!! Perhaps we could add to the auction that the original owner must give a short description of the fish: Where its from, how big it gets, its personality, and the pH they keep it at.



Amanda that's a great idea. Being fairly new to the cichlid world and having a limited amount of tanks space, I would like to know this upfront

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
My thing on this is if you have questions about a fish in the auction, the time to ask would be while the bags are on the table and everyone is looking during the break. Not that I don't want to be informative, but during the auction things get confusing when you are in the middle of taking bids and you have to stop to answer questions or ask who brought them in and then they talk about them. I also get complaints that the mini auction is too slow and takes too long. Answering questions would make it even longer. One or two is not bad. I even ask about some of them when auctioning but other than that.
Don't know the answer. But you are right. You don't want to bid on something that may end up eating all your other fish.


My thing on this is if you have questions about a fish in the auction, the time to ask would be while the bags are on the table and everyone is looking during the break. Not that I don't want to be informative, but during the auction things get confusing when you are in the middle of taking bids and you have to stop to answer questions or ask who brought them in and then they talk about them. I also get complaints that the mini auction is too slow and takes too long. Answering questions would make it even longer. One or two is not bad. I even ask about some of them when auctioning but other than that.
Don't know the answer. But you are right. You don't want to bid on something that may end up eating all your other fish.

what if we had a thread here for each meeting (or just add it to this thread) where people could list what they are bringing and put some info/links? even if it's common/well known.

in the spirt of this I am bringing:
java fern attached to rocks (one is quite large, but really neat)
java fern attached to driftwood on slate
java fern attached to nothing
decor (castles etc, one though looks like a little hut or cave or something, could be used for spawning)
anubias (large)
maybe some other stuff... we will see :D
sorry no fish :) they are all already in thier new homes

(and on a side note, the rocks with java are too big to put in a bag and I have no buckets, what should I bring them in? I got them in a trash bag)
One thing that I think could be helpful in this respect would be to have a cichlid species book or one that we create at the meeting. That way any questions that someone might have could be answered by going to the book when they see the bag on the table. Fish profile would have a good photo of an adult and general keeping requirements. We could add to the book as the new species are introduced to the auctions by having the member prepare the profile that is bringing it for the first time. Kind of our own Cichlid cheat sheet.....maybe some BAP points for bringing the profile to add to the book. This way if for some reason all of our senior members are stricken with Cichlidcantstandanothermeetingitis(not that I think this is possible, meetings are like any other addiction, good for the conscious) we junior members would still have a clue as to what the fish will require fully grown.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
"Cichlidcantstandanothermeetingitis" LOL

:jumping0045: :jumping0045: :jumping0045: :jumping0045: :jumping0045:


I have done this in the past and it works really well at big auctions.

Print out a picture of the fish and tape it with packaging tape on the bag. If you wanted thenyou could put tips and requirements. It's great for the seller and the buyer.

I don't know why I haven't done it for the CCA.... it helps everyone. I guess I just didn't want my bags to look retarded or stand out with all the stuff on them. I will start doing this if people want me to.
Thats always a big plus :confused0024: and I am more inclined to bid on items that I know what I am getting into :confused0068: . I usually try to cut the info off and tape it to the tank where I placed the fish. :sick0019: Thats the same kind of stuff that I was suggesting for the book. :D Take that same info on a powerpoint slide or something and keep it on file so that pretty soon we are rocking and rolling....maybe three binders.....New World, Old World and Catfish or something like that. If I made it to more of the meetings I would offer to keep up the books but until I quit bartending :spanka: I am not reliable enough. :sign0134:


Master Jedi & Past VP
I have done this in the past and it works really well at big auctions.

Print out a picture of the fish and tape it with packaging tape on the bag. If you wanted thenyou could put tips and requirements. It's great for the seller and the buyer.

I don't know why I haven't done it for the CCA.... it helps everyone. I guess I just didn't want my bags to look retarded or stand out with all the stuff on them. I will start doing this if people want me to.[/b]

I think that's a great idea!
Guess we could go one better and have a digital file of it that could be brought with a laptop to meetings. Make it searchable and would take up less space and be more interchangeable if the keeper couldnt make it to a meeting. Just pass off a smart stick depending on the size of the file.


Now we are getting a bit to complicated. I like the idea of putting photos and descriptions on the bag. It is still the buyers responsibility to know what they are bidding on. It gets a bit crowded at the tables as it is, let alone having people crowd around a computer screen. It would be better for some of the bidders if they purchased a book or two on cichlids that could be used for reference.

I also agree that the auction goes slow enough as it is without having to stop and ask what can be kept with this or what water parameters does it require. I have seen people get up and leave before the auction is over, so I would like to see it keep moving. Just my nickels worth (inflation)


I feel it's the buyers responsibility as well. When I started doing this I knew people didn't know what the heck a petrochromis was ( they hadn't been bred a lot at that time) So I put a small picture on the bag. Helped sell the suckers. So if you have a fish that is some what rare in the hobby it is a great idea to do for the seller as well. You are basically marketing the fish.

For the buyer they know what the heck they are getting into. I don't think this needs to be done for common fish ... but we have quite a few breeders in this club that like weird stuff !!! Yellow labs... I think everyone knows what they are getting into :) Convicts etc


Agreed. If you don't know what something is, it's not all that hard to track down the seller prior to the auction and ask. Good way to meet people too.


Lol, I quite agree with the labels on the bag idea. I was thinking basically, someone could post a template, like:

Species: Labidochromis Caeruleus
From: Malawi
Temperament: fairly peaceful Mbuna
Max size: 5 inches
Keeper pH: 8.0
Other info: (such as a pic of the adult)

It would make every thing easier.



I also like the idea of a species book where everyone can include their experiences with a certain fish. And it would not be hard to get it online. I wouldn't do it to look up species though. More of an FYI for new keepers of the fish.



I also like the idea of a species book where everyone can include their experiences with a certain fish. And it would not be hard to get it online. I wouldn't do it to look up species though. More of an FYI for new keepers of the fish.


something like that could easily be done here on the forum. just add a section like "fish stories" and then if you want to write about a fish species just start a thread with the name of the fish. if someone has already talked about it you can add to thier thread. could start each thread off with a template like above....

added bonus: could use those stories in the Biotope :D


something like that could easily be done here on the forum. just add a section like "fish stories" and then if you want to write about a fish species just start a thread with the name of the fish. if someone has already talked about it you can add to thier thread. could start each thread off with a template like above....

added bonus: could use those stories in the Biotope biggrin.gif[/b]

Great idea!!!!



Of course, you could write an article for the Biotope and then just keep the Biotope for a reference. Did Pat mention that we ALWAYS need articles for the Biotope!!


Master Jedi & Past VP
It would be nice to have a color print out of the fish and info on the bag. I think Bob (Sonny D) did that right?