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feeding time

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Not the clearest Iphone picture but the babies sure do like the cucumber.



Bearded Wonder
Very nice. My plecos love cucumber and zucchini. I feed it straight out of the garden if I can.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I had purchased two of those pleco feeders at conventions.
Figured I would support him since he used to be a club member when he was living in this area.
I don't normally breed plecos so I forgot I had them. LOL


Past CCA President
Good stuff, Pat.

Maybe I need to get one of those things, as I think my BN plecos finally have a viable batch of babies.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I have been feeding a couple of types of YFS tablets and moving algae covered rocks in and out. Once the parents start they never stop. that tank is getting crowded.
I am hoping to use them to keep peacock fry tanks clean.