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curved angelfish fin?


Anyone have any idea what might cause this?





Past CCA President
Did it happen all of a sudden or was it always like that? My guess would be just a birth defect. I had an angel like that long ago...


It didn't start out like that. Bought a group of them and they started out fine and grew for a few months before it started to happen.


i can't see the pic on my phone but if it is a veil or super veil it could happen because the fins are two long and the bones aren't strong enough to hold it. . .

Posted via mobile.capitalcichlids.org


i can't see the pic on my phone but if it is a veil or super veil it could happen because the fins are two long and the bones aren't strong enough to hold it. . .

Posted via mobile.capitalcichlids.org

Hmm that interesting thanks for the input. It makes sense. Is this a proven anomaly or just a theory?

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
The fin does not look like what I see with droopy veil tailed fins. Those are more curved but still smooth, they just cannot hold them up or keep them spread out well. It looks more like an environmentally caused curve, IMHO. Possibly a rapid temperature change or an injury. And the latter seems more reasonable unless other angels in the tank have the same curve.


The fin does not look like what I see with droopy veil tailed fins. Those are more curved but still smooth, they just cannot hold them up or keep them spread out well. It looks more like an environmentally caused curve, IMHO. Possibly a rapid temperature change or an injury. And the latter seems more reasonable unless other angels in the tank have the same curve.

+1 now that i can see the pic and what size tank is that? and when did you notice it?


Right now they are in a 29. I had them in a 20 long and moved them when the bodies were about the size of a nickel. Noticed it when he was about that size and thought it might be water quality and space. Been doing lots of water changes and still no difference. Very active and eats well though.


if it were me i'd trim the fin with some sharp scissors and add melafix to the tank the curve is probably from the water conditions and the height of the 20 long. the fin will not correct itself on its own but will grow strait again if trimmed.... (and proper water conditions)