CCA Board Members



I thought I would post something here so the non members would be able to see that it is that time of the year to vote in Board Members. This will hopefully encourage them to join the club so they too can vote for the board members, and maybe even run themselves... Remember only paid members can vote, (annual dues are due this month).

We have the follwoing nominations for these positions from the meeting held 13 September.

President - Ron Nielson - Francine Bethea
Vice President - Pat Kelly
Treasurer - John Kim - Tracey Kelly
Secretary - Charlotte Nielson
Corresponding Secretary - Francine Bethea - Ron Nielson

IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE SOMEONE (INCLUDING THEMSELVES) FOR A POSITION, PLEASE E-MAIL CHARLOTTE AT No more nominations will be taken after 21 September. The poll will be started on 22 September and will last for two weeks.