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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

BFD Set Up Help


Past CCA President

I'm looking for a few able bodied people to help with physical set up for the BFD. We will get started as early as we can on Friday, March 10th at the Hilton. Hopefully the room will be available by 10 AM or so. Set up includes:

- Assembling racks for the donated fish.
- Setting up tanks for the donated fish
- Helping organize registration and room signage
- Helping set up A/V for the speakers
- Helping set up raffle boxes.

The more folks we can get to help out, the easier it is to do. Last year, 4 or 5 of us got it done in about half a day. If we can get a few more hands, that would be awesome.

Please PM me or post up here if you can help out.

Also, I may need some help transporting the racks from Christine's house in Burtonsville to the hotel. We may be able to get them the weekend before and store them closer by (I need to talk to Tony on this) but in any case, it is a pickup truck load to carry. I have the tanks at my house in Frederick, and it is probably 2 trips worth of tanks, so anyone coming from that direction can also help out.

Let me know what you can do!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Tracey and I will be at the hotel Thursday night.
I will be available except when I need to go pick up Larry from the airport.


Little Lane and I will be there at some point Friday. Not sure how early, but will be happy to help with whatever.


Well-Known Member
I'm available for whatever needs to be done thursday and friday as early as needed. I also have a full size van available for use.


CCA Members
Not sure yet when I'll be there, but I can set up the raffle boxes Saturday morning and I'll be available to help out as needed.


Staff member
I can be there anytime to help. Also, I have an el camino with a 6-fott bed and live near Christine. The only issue is that I don't drive in bad weather (it is an antique).


Past CCA President
Thanks everyone for volunteering.

I talked to Tony last night and we are going to stage things at his house which is only a couple of minutes from the hotel. We'll move things there a couple of days ahead of time and then make trips back and forth on Friday.

We'll also need some help breaking down on Saturday evening.


Jon - I live about 25 minutes away and can be there. I took the day off this year. Let me know what help is needed?


Past CCA President
Thanks Becca.

Once we get the racks built, it will really be about filling tanks to receive the auction fish and helping get registration set up.

We'll get another thread started for volunteers for registration.


I can be there anytime to help. Also, I have an el camino with a 6-fott bed and live near Christine. The only issue is that I don't drive in bad weather (it is an antique).
THAT. IS. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

You should set it up as a pond for the Aquarium Beautiful competition... Just park it in the lobby.


Past CCA President
Thanks for the help, folks. As of right now, I've asked the hotel if we can get into the ballroom at 10 AM. Worst case will be noon, but we can get started earlier transporting from Tony's house to the hotel.

Anybody else available?