Best Website for Fish Info


Past CCA President
So, for information and pictures for cichlids, I find the Cichlid Room Companion to be the best resource on the web. Cichlid-Forum isn't bad either, but I've found their listings to occasionally be incomplete. For catfish, Planet Catfish can't be beat.

I've yet to find similar offerings for other types of fish (admittedly I haven't searched for hours). What sites do you use for non-cichlids and non-catfish?


I like angelfish, but I find that you almost have to pry information out of long time breeders/owners and have yet to really find a website that gives out non-angelfish speak to a newbie keeper ... sorry I wasn't much help ... just needed to rant.


CCA Members
I like angelfish, but I find that you almost have to pry information out of long time breeders/owners and have yet to really find a website that gives out non-angelfish speak to a newbie keeper ... sorry I wasn't much help ... just needed to rant.

I would start here:

It looks like it should get you started on some of the basics. It looks like some of the in depth stuff would require a membership.


CCA Members
I use Felipe's site quite a bit as a reference for Uruguayan fish:

Otherwise, Juan Miguel's Cichlid Room Companion is the best reference out there (for cichlids):

There's an annual fee for access to the complete profiles but well worth it!



Past CCA President
I agree that the CRC is well worth the price of the subscription. I was hoping that there was a similar resource on the web for other fresh water fish. I checked out last night for a bit. It does have some great information on the specific fish listed, but still seemed like the data base was only partially full.

Any others?

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
Planet catfish for all things corydoras.
Loaches online for all things loachy.
Danios and Devarios for figuring out who's who.
Seriously Fish for all the rest.



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Planet catfish for all things corydoras.
Loaches online for all things loachy.
Danios and Devarios for figuring out who's who.
Seriously Fish for all the rest.


That loach site is pretty darn cool. Thanks Blaise. :)

Other than the ones that have already been mentioned, I've spent a bit of time on Good site with some good articles and info for beginners.

My go-to site for African stuff is cichlid-forum. they're a bit more comprehensive on their rift lake stuff than new world stuff.

It's in French, but this is one of my favorite sites for finding picutres and info on very rare Malawi cichlids.