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Again I play. Wow several times in one week?

Pat Kelly

CCA Member

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The first one is Lethrinops Red Cap Itungi
There are discussions as to if this is an aquarium strain or not.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Second is a Victorian Hap 1/2 crimson albino.
Like I mentioned in the last thread, still cant get a good pic of him.


The first one is Lethrinops Red Cap Itungi
There are discussions as to if this is an aquarium strain or not.

Pat, I believe the discussion is if it is a true Lethrinops.
Some have said that because of it's size, or lack of size as to other Lethrinops, that it might actually be a Tramitichromis.
To be honest, I think the fish is absolutely beautiful and couldn't really care if the name is changed or not.


I don't care if it is a Lethrinops or not, it is a beautiful fish.

Looks like you may have some dust on the ol' sensor. I need to send my camera in for service to get it cleaned.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I got to get a new camera. I know it needs to be cleaned and worked on but is it worth it?
It still stops working at times and here is a picture I took last night.
It still does this every so often.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
It likes to do that every 50 or so pictures. lol The picture before it came out as did the one right after. out of focus but came out. lol

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Too late. No cameras for me. Must spend money elsewhere. Lol. Like a kitchen?

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