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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

2012 Speaker / Club Schedule

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Jan 14 - Kris Weinhold - "Planted Aquariums and Aquascaping for Cichlid Folks"
Kris Weinhold grew up keeping aquariums, but really fell in love with planted aquariums several years ago, diving head-first into researching and experimenting with various plants, growing techniques, and aquascape designs. Kris is a past-president of the Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association (GWAPA), and has published articles in The Aquatic Gardener (www.aquatic-gardeners.org).. He also maintains a website/blog (www.guitarfish.org) showcasing his aquarium and nature photography, and his informative articles on aquarium keeping and aquatic plant ecology.
His talk, "Planted Aquariums and Aquascaping for Cichlid Folks" will cover the basics of plant-keeping and aquascaping for any type of aquarium.

Feb 11 - Bob Bock - "Collecting cichlids and other exotics in Florida."
Bob Bock is a member in good standing of the Capital Cichlid Association and attends club meetings regularly. He has been collecting and keeping fish since the age of 7, when he brought two mummichog home from the Hackensack River meadowlands in his home town of Jersey City, New Jersey. Bob likes writing and speaking about aquarium fish and aquarium-related topics and has contributed member profiles to the club’s newsletter, the Biotope. He is also past president of the North American Native Fishes Association. Through the years, Bob has kept and bred numerous native and non-native species in his Montgomery County, Maryland fish room. Along with cichlids, he has bred catfish, livebearers, cyprinids, sunfish, and killifishes. In addition to the CCA, he belongs to nearly all of the Washington area’s other aquarium clubs. He is an occasional visitor to south Florida, where he likes touring the Everglades, dipnetting the canals for native and exotic species, and scouting around for good Cuban restaurants. Bob is also Web master of the popular aquarium hobby blog, Sonny’s Fish Room.

March 10 - Dan Woodland - "high tech fish room"
Dan Woodland has been involved in the aquarium hobby since the age of ten. His illness began when his parent’s purchased a ten-gallon tank where he spawned black mollies for the first time. At that point he was completely and hopelessly infected with the tropical fish hobby. Dan has kept many different types of aquatic life including: salt water fish, turtles, indigenous Ohio species, and amphibians but, has turned most of his attention to Cichlids.

Active in his local fish club, the Ohio Cichlid Association, for the past 20 years Dan has held the positions of President, Editor, Program Chairman, Librarian, and is currently Vice-president. Maintaining over 1,500 gallons of water in his self-built fish room he has raised and bred a wide variety of animals including some of the largest Cichlids.

Since 1998 Dan has traveled to Central and South America annually in an effort to inject new specimens into the hobby as well as taking a small part in the preservation of troubled Cichlids through captive breeding. His 2002 trip was truly an "Adventure in Panama" where his collecting party was stranded on a remote beach overnight with no food, water, or dry clothes. In 2003 Dan traveled to South America where a wealth of new fishes was found.

Dan has written articles on his adventures, breeding cichlids, and other aquatic interests appearing in Cichlid News, Aquarium Fish Magazine, Tropical Fish Hobbyist, and the American Cichlid Association’s Buntbarsche Bulletin.

April 14 - Anton Lamboj - Pelvicachromis
ANTON LAMBOJ was born 1956 and has been an aquarist since the age of ten. Around 1980, he began to take a special interest in the cichlids of West and Central Africa. This interests led, in 1988, to the beginning of his academic education at the University of Vienna. Works for Master degree and PhD were focussed on the systematics of West African cichlids, which still is the main work and aquaristic interest too. Since 1998, he works as lecturer and associated scientist of the University of Vienna. His work combines morphological and anatomical methods as well as ethological studies and molecular methods.
As an aquarist, he is interested in many other groups of fish (“every fish is of interest and beautifulâ€), with some more detailed interest in Anabantoids (especially the genera Betta and Parosphromenus) and West African Killies. Over the last years, the interest for some South American cichlids (Gymnogeophagus) increased too.
Other hobbies done with passion is keeping orchids in a small greenhouse, gardening, keeping and breeding exotic birds and diving (all connecting with a lot of photographing).
Over the years, Anton Lamboj has made 17 field/collecting trips to Africa, additionally some trips to South East Asia, Central America and South America. Recently, he holds about 45 tanks to breed and to study his fish, he has authored more then 300 papers (both academic and hobbist) in ten languages, including four books (numbers 5 and 6 are in production) and contributions to more than 35 other books (aquaristic as well as scientific ones).
He also is research associate of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, president of the Austrian Association of Aquarium and Terrarium Clubs (OEVVOE), vice president of the European Aquarium and Terrarium Assoc. (EATA), editor for West African cichlids and Dwarf Cichlids for the DCG-Info (journal of the DCG = German Cichlid Association), chief editor of aqua-terra-austria (Austrian aquarium and terrarium journal), curator at the C.A.R.E.S. program and at Cichlid Room Companion and honorary member of the French Cichlid Assoc. (AFC) and the Hill Country Cichlid Club (HCCC), Texas. 2011 he also was honoured for his international work for the hobby as a „Mastère fédéral d‘aquariophilie“ by the French Aquarium Federation FFA.

May 12 - Bob Grauer - "Welcome to My World of Cichlids" an informative talk on the breeding of cichlids.
I have been involved in the aquarium hobby for well over 35 years, from being a hobbyist, importer, wholesaler and now a hobbyist again. I currently maintain 85 tanks, varying in size from 5-125 gallons. My tanks are filled with predominantly African Cichlids from the Lakes of Tanganyika, Malawi and Victoria as well as a few streams, ditches and wherever water can be found. I also am starting to have an extensive collection of plecostomus. Most of the fish in my room have spawned Over the past years, I have had 100's of species of fish spawn and am always trying new fish, new techniques and new ideas. I enjoy the challenge.
I had the adventure and thrill of collecting fish in Uruguay a few years ago and still have those fish in my tanks.

I am an active member of Rocky Mountain Cichlid Association (RMCA), Colorado Aquarium Society (CAS) and American Cichlid Association (ACA). I am a founding partner in Rocky Mountain Cichlids.
I have spoken to a few clubs around the country and always have a great time. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at my presentation.

June 9 - Shane Linder - "Collecting in Uganda, the Pearl of Africa"
Shane Linder is the "Shane" behind Planetcatfish.com's Shane World. Shane's World houses well over 150 articles by various catfish experts making it the largest such resource known to exist. Shane is also a frequent contributor to several US and international aquarium periodicals and has been a guest speaker at numerous fish conventions in the US and Europe. He is also a member of the National Science Foundation's All Catfish Species Inventory a a global consortium of taxonomists & systematists, which since 2003, has attempted to facilitate the discovery, description & dissemination of knowledge of [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]all catfish species.[/FONT]
From 2000-2011 Shane lived and collected fishes extensively in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa and Uganda. He has made additional collecting expeditions into Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

In June Shane will present "Collecting in Uganda, The Pearl of Africa" which will cover his collecting activities from 2009-2011 in Lakes Victoria, Albert, Edward and Kyoga as well as the Victorian Nile and the Mountains of the Moon.

September 8 - Anthony Tu. Frontosa - “Introduction to Frontosa†(A.K.A Frontosa Fanatics Part I) Anthony Tu has been involved with tropical hobby more than 28 years. At twelve years of age, he started to breed beta fish which he caught them from a neighbor pond in South East Asia. His passionate of African Cichlids began in 1995 and he joined the PCCA since 1998. In fact, he joined the ACA (American Cichlids Association) in 2000 and ACA 2000 convention was his first ACA convention in 2000, he has specialized of keeping and breeding Cyphotilapia. He currently maintains 12 variant of wild caught Cyphotilapia. Last April 2008, he was awarded as a Master Breeder from the PCCA’s Breeder Awards Program. He wrote several frontosa articles and those articles republished on several fish club journals in U.S. Anthony is currently the PCCA’s Web Master Chair and a member of Board of Directors. In fact, Anthony gave several talks at major fish clubs in bay area such as: Pacific Coast Cichlid Association, San Francisco Aquarium Society, Silicon Valley Aquarium Society, Sacramento Aquarium Society, Greater Chicago Cichlid Association.

October 13 - Greg Steeves - TBD
Greg Steeves is a passionate conservationist and fish activist. He has served as the CARES Conservation Priority List Regional Coordinator for Lake Victoria cichlids since 2007 and founded the notable Hill Country Cichlid Club (HCCC). As a national speaker and published author, Steeves believes that "the best thing an individual can do to ensure species survival is to get any and all information and experiences out there so that others might see what they are missing."

November 10 -
1. Dr. Robert Adamski: "Common Ectoparasites of Cichlids: The Dirty, The Slimy and the Bloody."
2. Jack Crosby: "Common Aquarium Algae Problems: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly."
At this meeting we will have 2 speakers. Each with a 30+/- minute talk on their subject.
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Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I can honestly say that I'm excited to see every one of those speakers! Great job with the booking! :happy0180:

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Thanks guys.
Anton will be our first speaker from Europe for a meeting.
I have more emails out trying to fill the last 2 months.


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
Obviously leaving for Florida at the wrong time.



Awesome list of speakers, thank you Pat.

I do not believe that many people here realize that no other clubs in the country get the lineup that CCA puts together.
A club flying in a speaker from Europe (Anton)...definitely unheard of.

Very AWESOME, Pat.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Thanks guys.

Only the Best speakers for CCA. lol

I get people from other clubs ask me all the time, how we do it. How do we get the best speakers around.
We do spend a large amount of our funds on speakers but thats what we feel the money is for.
Besides I still feel this is one of the main reasons that we have grown so much over the years.
With the raffles, donations, membership fees, tshirt sales, etc, we can keep doing this. Every little bit helps.

We are The CCA
A Growing Force in the Cichlid Hobby


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
So Ron, how many of these meetings do you expect to make? Many of these CCA folks have never seen you and do not even know that you were a major force in putting this club on the map.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
A change in the line up.

Our june speaker, Anthony, has had to switch to September.

Wanted to make sure you all saw that for scheduling.
