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180g Show Tank


CCA Members
Got the thumbs up to move my 180g from the fishroom to the basement under one condition: that it looks nice.

That means no brown fish that hide all of the time. Or bichirs. Or other hobbyist fish.

I was down the mental road of setting it up as a Lake Malawi tank...haven't done one of those in awhile...

Then I realized that I had bought the greatest piece of driftwood (ever) at the CCY meeting a couple of months ago...and it would be apostasy to put it into an African cichlid tank.

Then it dawned on me: I have always wanted to set up a large tank with hundreds and hundreds of tetras...and I've never done it. Think 100 cardinal tetras. a couple of dozen each bleeding hearts, red-tail Hemiodus and Diamond tetras. Maybe some Triportheus. And a couple of dozen Cory cats. And because it's my tank and I can do what I want: a couple of dozen Congo tetras and a group of bosemani rainbows. I'd really like to add the group of yellow Gymnogeophagus balzanii that I brought back from Uruguay, but I'll play that by ear (think they'd eat the tetras? They're not exactly shaped like arch-predators...)

The journey started a this afternoon when I moved the assemblage of cool but mostly, uh, earth-tone-colored new world cichlids from the 180g into a recently vacated 150g (still in the fishroom). This involved mostly draining the 180g.

Wasn't planning to do it, but what the heck - tank was mostly drained, empty of decor and unplugged: I drained the 180g the rest of the way, swung it around on the stand to angle it out the door, lifted the front enough to slide a piece of cardboard under it and pushed it out of the fishroom and into the (finished) basement. #oneman180move

This is the first time since we've lived on the east coast that I've had a tank in the house proper. And I have ~7 feet of free wall in the fishroom for a new rack of tanks.

I've got the piece of driftwood in it and started cleaning up some hard water stains and gunk...but there's a way to go.

I'll try to get some pictures but that's really not my forte!



Global Moderators
Congrats on the okay for the display tank, and the real estate it frees up. I like your plan, but suggest scaling back on the types of fish so it isn't such a hodge podge. Angels would be fine with everything you're considering, except for the cardinals.

Rasta Fish

For a minute there I thought you would setup and African cichlid tank but the tetras sounds awesome too
Will the Congo tetras start picking off the cardinals once they get bigger?


CCA Members
But I've always wanted a tank with a ton of cardinals :)

Will settle on probably 3-4 groups of different-shaped tetras for different layers of the tank and get big groups of them.

Cardinals stay in the middle and bottom of the tank.

Bleeding hearts stick near the bottom.

Hemiodus are middle and bottom 1/3.

Congos are middle and top.

Triportheus are top.

Rainbows are middle.

Hmmm... other tetra recommendations?


Congrats on the okay for the display tank, and the real estate it frees up. I like your plan, but suggest scaling back on the types of fish so it isn't such a hodge podge. Angels would be fine with everything you're considering, except for the cardinals.


CCA Members
I don't think so. The Hemiodus might - they get like 6"...


For a minute there I thought you would setup and African cichlid tank but the tetras sounds awesome too
Will the Congo tetras start picking off the cardinals once they get bigger?


Former CCA member
My angels don't eat cardinal tetras, but I agree that it's a risk.

What kind of corydoras are you considering?


Sounds like a cool idea with the cardinals, I've always wanted to do a large group of cardinals or neons. I've personally had several angelfish with neons/cardinals in the past with no issues.


Staff member
Moving your empty 180 by yourself reminds me of the time I had to move a stand with a 29 on top, 20 on the bottom, both half filled with water and all the fish, on a metal stand. I bought two moving dolly's and covered them with plywood. Lifted one end of the stand just high enough to get the legs on the dolly. As I did this, the 29 started sliding off the top! I quickly grabbed the tank top and stopped it from moving, then started breathing again. Was able to push it back in place, then lifted the other end. Moved into the other room with no further problems, other than wondering how I'm going the get the dolly's out to move my other 30 gallon tank. I just held on and did it. Scary. I'd consider a flock of sliver dollars for that tank.


CCA Members
Probably some of the ones formerly known as Brochis, some of the C. longipinnis I brought back from Uruguay and another variety or two. Would like to have a big school of them.


My angels don't eat cardinal tetras, but I agree that it's a risk.

What kind of corydoras are you considering?


Former CCA member
Good idea

Probably some of the ones formerly known as Brochis, some of the C. longipinnis I brought back from Uruguay and another variety or two. Would like to have a big school of them.

Sounds good. The behavior of corydoras is often more interesting when you have a bigger group.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
But I've always wanted a tank with a ton of cardinals :)


I did that with my 150 some years back.
I put a ton of cardinals and rummy nose tetras in there
along with 2 inch discus.
Problem was the discus grew quick and the tetras started to disappear.


CCA Members
Yep - I love rummy nose tetras...they're just very bite sized...


I did that with my 150 some years back.
I put a ton of cardinals and rummy nose tetras in there
along with 2 inch discus.
Problem was the discus grew quick and the tetras started to disappear.


CCA Members
Tank is full of water and filter is running. Have wood weighted down but it needs to waterlog a bit...
