Looking for suggestions


Past President
Seems to be almost impossible to find lol. Assuming it wont be something i would find in an afternoon. I've spent the last 2 hours looking around to find one larger then 2" but it seems like that is the standard. I would love to find one larger but i don't know if i will be able to. One good thing is since this is i do test my water parameters daily and also do a 30% water change every thursday and monday. So hopefully keeping it in the best conditions possible will help it stay healthy until it grows into some hardiness

Cichlids of the Americas has them listed as available at 3". We're doing a group buy for club members, being delivered to the November meeting. The price is very reasonable, and the cost of membership is likely less than it would be to have them shipped directly to you. One of the many benefits of being a club member; great discounts and vast resources.


I believe i have talked my way into getting off work for Nov. 8th and had planned on going to meeting and bringing dues lol. So may be better to do all that prior to


Past President
I believe i have talked my way into getting off work for Nov. 8th and had planned on going to meeting and bringing dues lol. So may be better to do all that prior to

You can click on the link at the top of the page "Join CCA" and become a member before the meeting. You'd be eligible to join the group buy and pick up your fish at the meeting. Make sure to check the thread on ordering details and deadlines.


Confirmed it, i'm definitely able to get off work and make it too the meeting. Pretty excited about that, as well as putting some faces to names


Past President
Confirmed it, i'm definitely able to get off work and make it too the meeting. Pretty excited about that, as well as putting some faces to names

One suggestion, when you get to the meeting, there are generally name tags at the sign in table. Put on a name tag with your real name and forum name, it'll start more conversations that way. "Oh yeah, I remember your posts, you were talking about..." Easy ice breaker to meet people at your first meeting.


Thanks for the suggestion, will definitely do that. As for another question i had, this is the wrong forum for it but it sorta went in this direction. Is there any reason to bring my truck (tanks for sale in the auction and such), or am i fine saving some gas money for the 2 hour trip and bringing my car?


you may find a 20 gallon in the auction or something but I would bring the car unless you are already meeting some one for a 180. ;)


Past CCA President
Matt is spot on. Rarely are there large tanks for sale in the auction.

Plus, auction items are registered on MyGroupAuctions.com prior to the meeting. You can check the list before you leave the house (although there are always a few stragglers that don't get registered until an hour or so before the meeting).


So, I went to take the flowerhorn back and everyday i looked, it would get more red and more red. I think it knew what was up, then a lot of blue starts coming through now. Just today it appears as if it may be starting to fade as well and i couldn't do it lol. So instead i found a free 55g tank this morning on CL with 2 Filters and a heater. So the flowerhorn i spent all day setting it up and will be relocating it to the 55 to grow out. Which still completes the ultimate goal of getting it out of the 75 and freeing up some room. Plus i got another tank out of it. win win in my book