Yay for eggs!!


Found Apistogramma sp. "Kelleri" eggs last night deeeep back in a corner. Not getting overly optimistic till I see 'em hatch, but, WOO!! Think they took *Very* well to a recent tank change from a 10gal to a well established 20L. Here's to hoping they make it to free swimming!



Keep the parents very well fed, especially Papa. Better still is to separate him altogether IME. Have a couple spawns of these growing up but the last cohort got munched when I skipped a couple feedings.


Keep the parents very well fed, especially Papa. Better still is to separate him altogether IME. Have a couple spawns of these growing up but the last cohort got munched when I skipped a couple feedings.

Well noted. I've noticed he is *Very* food motivated... the fem was practically doing backflips in front of him for several days... he'd glance her direction, start to look interested, and then all of the sudden it was like..."OOH!! MUNCHY IN THE SAND!!!!nom nom nom nom"


Eggs from the last batch didn't hatch... but just got back from a week in Mississippi, and momma has a mouthful. WOO! Just started a batch of BBS, and am keeping a close eye on papa as I consider removing him or not.