WTS/WTT lots of red snakeskin guppies


potamotrygon fan
Hey guys
I have been working with strain for a little while and I'm really happy with how the young males are turning out. They've been allot of fun but I'd like to move on to a new strain. You're probably thinking, "Dan, why not just keep multiple strains?". Well, I like to only breed one guppy strain at a time just because the females (estecially as juveniles) look so similar and I'm afraid of mixing them by accident.
So on to pricing and quantities
I have one adult pair and allot of juvies
$25 for the pair plus AT LEAST 10 juvies
I will trade the pair plus all the juvies for a trio or group of a guppy of some other strain to work with. I'm really flexible but the only thing I dont want is miscelanious guppys.