WTB- Synodontis Multipunctatus


Hello everyone.. Seems like everyone has multipunctatus but me. We are looking for a decent group (juvies are fine) if anyone knows where we can find some. Unfortunately we could not find anyone at the Convention with them, although after talking to several people it seems that many are breeding and have them at home.. Share anyone? :D

We are located in Shepherdstown WV so if you know anyone or have some yourself that need a home please contact us..

Thanks- Marc and family..



Excellent.. I will check the list for goodies... Only concern is that I work second shift. Any idea what time they typically deliver?

Thanks- Marc and family..


Past CCA President
Not sure exactly when it delivers. Depends on if they ship out Wednesday night or Thursday AM. I'm getting in on the order and live in Frederick and would be happy to bring anything to my house if that is closer for you.



Wow yes.. that is much closer to me, about 35-40 mins total. Will actually be in Frederick tomorrow to pick up my wife's Vue at a dealer there. I will get my ducks (or fish) in a row this weekend, and we can talk more. Great group on here...


-Marc and family...


If you miss the group buy I have 4 young ones available. I have a group of 5 adults in a 75 with a group of eureka red peacocks, and 4 baby multi's have made it through so far this year. Two are over halfway grown, the other two are around 2" now. I had seen 3 other small ones a while back, but they disappeared.