WTB Oblongum


Todd or anyone have Australoheros Oblongum Fry? Any size at all is fine. Even 1/4"

I would need it shipped too.



I have tiny fry, too small to move yet, and 2 extra adults. Not sure whether they'd pair up and spawn, was keeping all 4 adults in a 30 long until I moved the established pair to another tank (with heater) for breeding. Given their slow growth rate it will be months before the fry will be large enough to ship.
There are some 1.5" currently listed on aquabid, though the one in the pic looks a bit odd.


Actually those fry ship well at 1/4" or so. Lookin for 6-10 to grow out. Let me know.

Yours are most likely offspring from my originals. Sold hundred around the country.


I got mine from CHK too, same line for sure. Far as I know they've never been imported again, so all the stock in the hobby is actually from the same line. My fry are still tiny, look like wee cichlids rather than gnats now bit still too small to net. I found that out the first time I tried to move some tiny fry years ago, so the parents wouldn't eat them before spawning again. Every one I netted died soon afterward.


My original male was that big, then whatever hit them took the pair along with the rest in several tanks. For some unknown reason 4 survived whatever killed a couple hundred, and those 4 were kept in an unheated 30 long for well over a year. Put the pair int a 33 long with a heater long enough to spawn and the fry become free-swimming, then unplugged the heater.
The 4 survivors were among the small ones of the brood I had grown out, remains to be seen how big they'll grow or what their offspring will do. There was one really big male from that brood, and the rest were the typical range of sizes in a SA or CA brood grown out. Only thing I can figure was that the temp was too warm for them for too long, and it triggered something like an immune system collapse.
Whatever killed the oblongums didn't affect several pairs of cutteri that were sharing a tank with some, or even the tiny cutteri fry. I did lose a handful of BN pleco's along with the oblongums in the several tanks, but not all of those died either.



I spread literally hundreds of these throughout the Club - someone else must have some...


CCA Members
I've got a pair - just haven't raised any fry for some time.

Also have a couple of extra good-sized males...
