The female of my Apistogramma macmasteri pair died recently, so I'd like to get the widower a new partner. If you have some A. macmasteri females and can bring them to the April meeting, I'd like to buy some. Or maybe even a trio (one male and two females).
Also, at the PVAS auction a month or two ago, I got four male Aplocheilus sp. 'Manipurensis'. If you have females of this killiefish, please PM me, as I'd like to buy some (I know this is mainly a cichlid club, but I thought I'd put out feelers, since there's a lot of cross pollination in the local clubs).
Also, at the PVAS auction a month or two ago, I got four male Aplocheilus sp. 'Manipurensis'. If you have females of this killiefish, please PM me, as I'd like to buy some (I know this is mainly a cichlid club, but I thought I'd put out feelers, since there's a lot of cross pollination in the local clubs).