Some of my wild Discus decided that they wanted to be friendlier then usual tonight, so I snapped a few pics.... Sorry for the dirt, cleaning the front of the tank really sends these guys on camera strikes!!!!!!
From Rio Tefe:
That last one was too friendly!!!!! I couldn't for the life of me get a good pic.
From Rio Uatuma:
The only one that even pretended he wanted his mug shot taken.
Some of my wild Discus decided that they wanted to be friendlier then usual tonight, so I snapped a few pics.... Sorry for the dirt, cleaning the front of the tank really sends these guys on camera strikes!!!!!!
From Rio Tefe:
That last one was too friendly!!!!! I couldn't for the life of me get a good pic.
From Rio Uatuma:
The only one that even pretended he wanted his mug shot taken.