Wild Caught Ventuari True Altums Available


In a partnership with Pete Villaneuva of Villas City of Angelfish, we are bringing in several boxes of X-large Wild Caught True Altums. For those that don't know Pete, he is a top notch angelfish breeder. His website is www.villascityofangelfish.org. These are the real deal, Pterophyllum Altum from the Ventuari River. They are not Pterophylum Scalare sold sometimes as Peruvian Altums. They will be 3+ inches in body size. We will be fully quarantining the fish before releasing them for sale, so you will be sure to be getting healthy fish, settled down and pretty well acclimated. This is a great chance to get these fish that are acclimated. Normally acclimated fish are much more expensive due to the time it takes to settle these down after import.

Prices are $50/each or $45/each for 12 or more fish in an order. A 50% non-refundable deposit is required via Paypal gift payment. The fish will be here in 2 weeks or so, afterwhich they will go through quarantine. Feel free to PM me for more information.



Hi Ben, It might be beneficial to our membership and your operation if you told us more about yourself and your partners. Our staff is wary of posts blasts that offer no background and guarentees.

Also, for commercial venture posting, we usually require sponorship in the order of a box of donated goods ( juvies and/ or pairs for donation annually and a membership). In return you receive a forum for business on our site.

Our membership is always eager to obtain new hook ups from reliable dealers and top notch stock.

Thank you!


Hi Ben, It might be beneficial to our membership and your operation if you told us more about yourself and your partners. Our staff is wary of posts blasts that offer no background and guarentees.

Also, for commercial venture posting, we usually require sponorship in the order of a box of donated goods ( juvies and/ or pairs for donation annually and a membership). In return you receive a forum for business on our site.

Our membership is always eager to obtain new hook ups from reliable dealers and top notch stock.

Thank you!

Sure, sorry. This is not a commercial venture, but just two of us serious hobbyists that are bringing in fish for ourselves and thought we would offer some to fellow hobbyists. I had included information about Pete in the original post. Many of you may already know him as the owner of Villas City of Angelfish. Pete's website is www.villascityofangelfish.org. The fish will be held and quarantined in Pete's fish room in Kunkletown PA once they come in. They will also be shipped or picked up from there also. Pete has years of experience properly shipping and packaging fish so there are no worries there. These fish will only ship overnight though.

I am just a avid hobbyist, that has had many types of angelfish as well as bred them. Recently have been moving more and more into Wild Altums specifically, and know how hard it is to obtain these, much much less healthy ones. Those that know Altums hear of the horror stories of horrific losses once they come in. We will be bringing these fish in and instead of normally just turning them around to those that want them, we will quarantine them and make sure they are healthy before releasing them.

If you would like me to remove the post, I can, I just thought that some people from CCA have been looking for Altums and here was a chance to get them as locally as possible.
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No worries. If you are a hobbyist, please introduce yourself.

I have altums and know of the hardships and angst in trying to obtain this species.

There are a few here who covet the spieces and would love a local source!


No worries. If you are a hobbyist, please introduce yourself.

I have altums and know of the hardships and angst in trying to obtain this species.

There are a few here who covet the spieces and would love a local source!

That was my exact thinking. For those that know Altums and have tried to get them, it can be very tough. The key is to find healthy as possible stock. This and getting fish that have already been quarantined and acclimated so the hardest part has been done already really helps. I really love these fish, the look/finnage is hard to beat. A 3-4 inch body fish will have finnage that will make them between 9-12 inches tall!!!!! I am in the process of building a 150 gallon that will house Wild Altums and Discus.


Hmmm. Good luck with that. Be sure to show us your set up. We love tank journals and pics. Welcome to CCA.


Hmmm. Good luck with that. Be sure to show us your set up. We love tank journals and pics. Welcome to CCA.

Thanks. There is a lot written about not mixing angels and discus from diseases to angels outcompeting discus for food. As for diseases, if your fish are clean, they will stay clean, regardless of who is with them. Discus if healthy eat very vigorously, I don't foresee a problem. If this was regular Scalare I could see your point, but Altums like the heat just like Discus.


However you are limited with how many fish you can actually keep. Altums will require 20 gallons each. I don't know what kind of discus you plan to add though.


I have mostly wid and a few domestic strains with wild angels (Santa isabella). They are doing well together. I would like to add a couple of altums if they would be ok with my angels. I know the altums will be fine with the discus. When are the altums coming in and is the pick up going to be in PA? If so, that most likely would be a show stopper for me.


I have mostly wid and a few domestic strains with wild angels (Santa isabella). They are doing well together. I would like to add a couple of altums if they would be ok with my angels. I know the altums will be fine with the discus. When are the altums coming in and is the pick up going to be in PA? If so, that most likely would be a show stopper for me.

The Altums like a little bit warmer temps than the domestics. What temp do you keep your angels at now? The heavy rains in Columbia have been holding up things. I hope to have the Altums within a couple of weeks or so, perhaps sooner. You can have them shipped overnight to you rather than pick up. The shipping costs are of course on top of the cost of the fish.