What the fuzz?? Please help i.d.


CCA Members
Seemingly overnight, this appeared. It doesn’t look “cottony” like white fungus, nor is it green like hair algae. As far as I know I don’t have any fish that have suddenly learned to loom. Feels like thin fiber.
Tearing it out would take the Java moss with it, so I haven’t moved forward. Should I though?



You could spray it down with hydrogen peroxide and dose regularly with Excel to help keep bit in check.


CCA Members
Thanks. I was torn between using H2O2+Excel and just a complete tear-out. I’d hate for it to spread.

I have a suspicion it came from the Echinodorus I just put in. First time not bleach dipping, ugh.
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Thanks. I was torn between using H2O2+Excel and just a complete tear-out. I’d hate for it to spread.

I have a suspicion it came from the Echinodorus I just put in. First time not bleach dipping, ugh.

Algae is just one of those things that happens.