What looks like ich, but isn't?


One of my grow out tanks of baby plecos is covered in bumps and spots. I probably didn't notice it right away because plecos are already speckled, and most of mine are albino.

When I did notice it, I figured ich (fairly common with the crazy temp fluctuations lately) and did a 3 day run of quick cure, added some salt, and bumped up temps.

I also have a couple of quarter-sized angels in that tank. They actually cued me off because I saw one looking off with slightly clamped fins and some white/shredded-looking tips to its pectorals. The angels now look clear, but the plecos are still heavily speckled and look sand-papery.

The spots appear more YELLOW than white.

I started treating with paraguard yesterday, but no improvement.


So, if it is velvet, should quick cure have treated it? What about polyguard?

Will try to get pics up tonight. Isaac's new trick is unplugging my barely working laptop whenever I turn it on. Since the battery no longer holds a charge, this turns it off immediately.


Photos... ugh.




Can I just say f*ck it and give up???? WHAT IS THIS STUFF?


Aaaah! Freaky! I've never seen that before, but after my last round with flukes, I'm now a huge fan of salt dips.
I like methylene blue for strange white growths. Even if its not fungus it will disinfect to prevent secondary fungus growth. I think people look past the power of that stuff when in comes to external infections

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I like methylene blue for strange white growths. Even if its not fungus it will disinfect to prevent secondary fungus growth. I think people look past the power of that stuff when in comes to external infections

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What meds have that in them? Isn't it unsafe for women who are breastfeeding? I'm already really careful with meds and try not to use them that often.
Im not sure if its unsafe, its natural I read an article about super high concentrations even killing cancer in humans. Its added to a lot of meds usually either methylene blue or malachite green. Kordon makes just pure solutions of either one lots of the ich meds are primarily ome or the other but they treat lots of external illnesses

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Im not sure if its unsafe, its natural I read an article about super high concentrations even killing cancer in humans. Its added to a lot of meds usually either methylene blue or malachite green. Kordon makes just pure solutions of either one lots of the ich meds are primarily ome or the other but they treat lots of external illnesses

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I'll see if I can find some at PetSmart - that's about all that's near my house.

The tank currently has polyguard, kanamycin, and pimafix in it. Think it's safe to mix?
Yes I think polyguard has malachite green in it, I suggest checking to make sure it won't harm the BB. If I recall that was the drawback with it. Its safe to combine you can either add to tank or do high consentrate dips if you can isolate. The dips are very effective

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Yes I think polyguard has malachite green in it, I suggest checking to make sure it won't harm the BB. If I recall that was the drawback with it. Its safe to combine you can either add to tank or do high consentrate dips if you can isolate. The dips are very effective

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Maybe I am not as observant as everyone else, but I cannot tell what you are looking at in those pictures. I see pleco pattern spots, but that's it. Are those spots that look like part of the pleco's look what you guys are talking about?


Maybe I am not as observant as everyone else, but I cannot tell what you are looking at in those pictures. I see pleco pattern spots, but that's it. Are those spots that look like part of the pleco's look what you guys are talking about?

Yes, that's why it took me so long to notice it. There is a yellow plaque of some sort that looks, more or less, like pleco spots except if you look at the body line of the pleco you can see that it's raised bumps and, comparing to other plecos, these guys have a lot more spots.

I've also now lost a couple.


Former CCA member

Beneficial bacteria, I'm guessing. Probably should be microbes and not bacteria, since it may not be bacteria that breaks down the ammonia and nitrites.

I've used methylene blue as an antifungal and haven't noticed a problem with my biological filter.