What is the biggest tank you can have on 3rd floor?


I have 2 small oscars and 7 other cichlids in a 55 Gallon. My Oscar's are growing real fast so I want to upgrade. I live in a 3rd floor. Will my floor handle a 125 gallon tank?

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Do you know the direction of the floor joists? Will the tank be on a load bearing wall?

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Do your due diligence with the operational loads of your floors. I consulted with a building engineer before setting up my 120. Since my subfloors are 8" concrete slab with #5 rebar rated for 300 lbs/sf, I was good to go.


As mentioned before if your tank is perpendicular to the joists you will be fine. A 125 is not going to be a long term solution for 2 Oscars and 7 other cichlids.


Board of Directors
I'm assuming its a house...bc concrete floors in an apartment its a different story. Also dep on age of house etc...I know a few homes on the eastern shore have huge kitchen on the top floor with heavy appliances, granite counters, and then the load of ppl and furniture... Rooms etc....
As mentioned by someone earlier placement is key
So against a wall where the joists are will help a lot.

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House was built in 1977. How do I find what direction do the floor joists run? :what:

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These guys nailed it on the head with the flooring, I'm on 3rd floor and have a 125, my floors are concrete though so no problem


Board of Directors
Humping up the stairs? I don't understand

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not to get too graphic but the person/s at the bottom will be holding most if the weight. the person up top will risk hurting their back. So as you work your way to the top it will inevitably look like humping.....

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