What does she DO with all those plants?

For those who saw me leave with a bunch of bags of plants from the last meeting . .. here is my ruby red peacock tank (40 breeder) with the new backdrop of giant vals, the new anubias up front and the new piece of wood on the right. Thanks to those who sold some lovely greenery!

Very nice Holly! You should come to the GWAPA meeting this Saturday. We are going to have our meeting in Gaithersburg near the mall.

I would like to do a GWAPA meeting sometime, but Saturday is a greyhound thingee at the Pet Expo, so I'm tied up. But thanks for the invite.


Excellent tank. What is the filter you use in this tank? Do jungle Vals grow well in a fast current like what you'd get from a Fluval U4?
I have a Fluva 305 and 405 on this tank. (I always double up filters on my tanks) even though it's only a 40 breeder. I don't know the answer to your question about vals and current, but I've always had vals in a position where they're buffetted by the outflow with no issues. My bigger issue with vals in this tank is that one of the male peacocks takes umbrage at vals being planted behind his "house," i.e. the piece of wood to the right, so he is always uprooting them! :lol: