What are you brining to the Jan meeting

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Is anyone interested in the Hemichromis letourneauxi? They're wild caught. I've embarked on an ambitious project to figure out the color genetics of the Labeotropheus trewevasse donkeyfishicus, and I'm probably going to need the space.


I have a Red Top Zebra for sale (see this thread for pics) that crazyclowntang has dibs on, if he makes it to the meeting and decides he wants it, otherwise, he goes in the auction.

I'm looking for 3-4 rusty cichlids - anyone have these right now?


I plan to bring some money hoping to purchase some culture starts from Frank, I think I am going to bring a few fish for the auction but I don’t know yet, we shall see.


CCA Members
4-5" are BIG for Rusties... they'll start breeding at about 2" or so...


Preferably adult size (4-5"), but I would consider smaller juvies (perhaps 1.5-2" or so). I suppose even smaller would be worth considering after I get rid of "Big Red". What size do you have?


4-5" are BIG for Rusties... they'll start breeding at about 2" or so...

Wow, really? I assumed they were roughly of the same stature as yellow labs and cobalt zebras, since the single Rusty I got from bl00 was about the same size as them.


Frozen fish food for Yun and Francine. :)

Thanks, Tony. Jose will be picking up the food for me. I can never make it to the meetings because I have so many things going on with kids stuff on weekends. I made to one meeting I think two years ago, but none since. I will make it out there again, some day. Hopefully, soon.


CCA Members
Anyone interested in a starter culture of redwigglers? I got enough from an organic farm in southern md to get a couple other folks started... And cheaper than buying some from wal-tard
