Well since the October meeting thread is locked....


...like to say that Chris is one of the most accomplished Apisto breeders in this neck of the woods and probably knows more about water quality/purity than all the rest of us combined. If you've any interest in spawning dwarf cichlids or simply just keeping them healthy and prosperous probably won't want to miss this meeting.


kool! anyone knows if he will bring any appistos?
i don't even know why i ask, is not like im allowed to set up any more tanks!:rolleyes:


I bought some of his fish at ACA. He's very generous w/ his prices and his fish are fantastic looking and extremely healthy. Good breeder. Too bad I am most likely going to be working that saturday... well.. maybe not too bad for my finances, but I would really like to hear his lecture.


what is the apisto on the main page picture??? that pic is insane!!

is the speaker the guy that was selling off the big rent room on the main floor at ACA? if so i might have gotten my a. viejita from him, nice guy =)


That's a macmasteri or one of the variations they call Veijita which there are none of in the hobby.

It's a tank raised strain that is easily kept and bred. It's a great beginner apisto that will tolerate a larger variety of conditions than it's wild counterparts.


I have seen Chris doing this topic at my local club. Well worth.
I learn alot about Apistos, from the more common to the rarely imported. And Chris breeds alot of them. Very tempting. IMO, after Africans, Apistos are right behind.


Nope...it's a macmasteri. This is a holgsloi



Gold A. vijeta

Would be most pleased to add it to the herd I acquired from Chris at the ACA in the rental room - for compensation of course.


CCA Members
That's a macmasteri or one of the variations they call Veijita which there are none of in the hobby.

It's a tank raised strain that is easily kept and bred. It's a great beginner apisto that will tolerate a larger variety of conditions than it's wild counterparts.

What is another good beginner strain species? I have some macmasteri that are doing pretty well. I was thinking of getting another species, but did not want anything too delicate.


Any of the tank raised cacs are great easy to keep apistos as well as the borelli and aggies.

There are a variety of tank raised trains that are acclimated to a more neutral enviorment that make great beginner apistos. Most of the tank raised varities are going to be as easy to keep as angelfish.

Then there are those that are a major pain in the butt like the elizabethae if you can even find them. I've been through about 5 or 6 pairs of those over the last 5 years and have never had any spawn. Miserable fish.