Welcome Discus Hans


Welcome :)

My lone discus I got from you at the meeting is still doing great ( Bill is VERY happy with him/her ) ! Thank you again for bringing some great fish when you spoke. And thank you for the great information as well.


CCA member
Welcome to the CCA club and forum Discus Hans :p
Your presentation on discus was fabulous. I have never seen so many beautiful fish in one place. GOOD to have you with us!
Welcome and I look forward to having you on as I intend to set up a large discus planted tank probably early summer after I buy a house in the spring.



Welcome aboard Hans. It's pretty cool to have another "celebrity" join our humble little group. :party0007: :party0003:[/b]


To whom are you actually referring? I, for one, am a lot of things - including psychotic (have reffs) - but humble is a trait to which I do not aspire, at least not as defined in Webster's: deff. #2.

Additionally, and most importantly, CCA ROCKS - Period.

However, as a Discus lover, (as well as any fish that I can fit into a tank), and a human being (ignore the rumors), and being a person who holds you and your wife in high regards:

WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!

Paul McClaskey
Thank you, Thank you all.

Me a "celebrity" (I had to copy and past it because I was not even sure how to write it) no thank you.

I'm just an other Discus Pimp, okay okay okay I know, more down to earth as most of them but still...lol



Hans Baby - great try at "humble" - :lol:

I can only speak for myself: You have attained a position in the fish community that is admirable, as is your character, and I enjoy watching you go about your business at a show as well as the interactions you have with those around you.

While I do not know all of the "great names" in the biz., your demeanor fits well with the Tony Orso's the Rusty Wessel's, the Ron Neilson"s, and the Ray Lewis's. This is not something to be reticent to acknowledge but rather be celebrated.

You have earned what you have - enjoy!!
