We need more Aquarium Beautiful entries!


Hey CCA! For those that haven't seen the recent posts on Facebook, we're going to be offering CASH PRIZES for the aquarium beautiful competition. So fare we have only NINE tanks registered! C'mon guys!

So, let us know that you're planning on coming by registering HERE.

the way it's going to work this year is that tanks will be judged by a panel of peers (one from CCA, PVAS, and GWAPA). They will choose the first place winners in each of the categories. Each tank can only be entered into one of the following categories:
– Aquascaped tanks over 10 gallons
– Aquascaped tanks 10 gallons and under
– Tanks showcasing fish on the C.A.R.E.S. list
– Tanks featuring a biotope of your choice
– “Themed” tanks where you can let your creativity run wild

Then from those first place winners, they'll pick the Best in Show.

Meanwhile, all attendees will be able to vote on their personal favorite, and that tank will win the People's Choice award.

Just remember that you need to be a registered BFD attendee to bring a tank. Tanks can only be entered into one category, but you can bring as many tanks as you want. If you are bringing a tank over 10 gallons, please also bring a stand for it.


I can probably throw a 2nd display together (nano category) if we're just trying to make sure we show up en force.


CCA Members
Wow, I'm a third of the entries. I like them odds!

Seriously, you guys aren't going to let ME win, are you?


So, we're up for 14 entries now....

two of our categories don't even have enough to make a 2nd and 3rd place winner! And since we're giving cash and I think a gift certificate as well, there are some prizes that are going to be left on the table. Don't let that happen! :D


So, we're up for 14 entries now....

two of our categories don't even have enough to make a 2nd and 3rd place winner! And since we're giving cash and I think a gift certificate as well, there are some prizes that are going to be left on the table. Don't let that happen! :D
I haven't picked livestock for my 2nd entry yet... so, you know, if it needs to be CARES, give me a heads up, LOL.


Josh will just be tasked with cleaning the floor around the Biotope entries. It's his penance for having his escaped turtle poop on the floor of the other hotel a few years ago.