What colour do you want?
I am a licensed retailer, *I* can sell them. LOL.
I think Les has heard my GloFish story, and a lot of people have, too. I used to take care of the tanks at a Hospice for very sick children. This place has three fish tanks, one of which was a 45-hex in a play room. It was stocked before my time with assorted mollies, and had become overrun with exactly what you'd expect of 5-years of uncontrolled breeding of them. Ugly, grey fish. It was an out of the way location, and this tank was pretty ignored. I was walking up the stair case to this tank, and from 50 feet away, I could see this glowing pink thing moving in the tank. Someone had taken their kid to the fish store, and the kid wanted a GloFish, so they bought it, and put it in this tank.
Well, I wasn't about to flush some terribly sick kid's fish, and I wasn't going to let it languish without a shoal. I took money from my own pocket, and bought a dozen more assorted GloDanios. That tank GLOWED, and got a lot of attention from then out.
I feel the same way about the Purple Parrot. When you walk into a place and see that fish, and it sees you... it builds interest. They get attention like nothing else will. And that's not a bad thing. You don't start out knowing the difference between a Highland a Speyside -- you start a little lower down the totem.