Wanted: L180 pleco locally


hey guys! i have a female i acquired locally a while back and never got around to getting more from the original source (now long forgotten and lost). at the past catfish convention someone was going to sell me a few but due to not accepting paypal and me not having cash on hand i couldnt get them...:angry:
idk if anyone has some locally? i am pretty sure that mine is a female. local only. thanks


Damian - are those just a common Ancistrus?

Christine probably has them. I have two I got from her, but am not sure of the L number. The male looks a lot like the fish that planet catfish has in its photo.


nope, I don't have L180s. Pretty cool looking, though.....a flatter, wider head, and lots of teeny spots compared to common BNs.

Damian, do they keep their spots as they mature?


think I just saw 2 today at HOT... they looked awful similar, but they werent listed on the price tag. One definite male, not sure on gender for the other one... about 3.5". Looked really good... soooooo tempted, but working til midnight, so that means they would have had to have been in a bag for 14 hrs...