Video of My Discus Tank


nice tank bud. Those Geos are getting big! Let me know if you want to move some of those vals I could use some big ones like that.


Beautiful tank!! Can you tell us more about the set-up?

Thanks! The tank is 7' by 2' by 2.5'. I love the look of a tall tank. Nothing fancy about the set up. I have two heaters 300W and 400W, three cannisters FX5, Fluval 405, and Rena XP4. One air pump. Two 196W 36" CF units. I feel like I need more lights.


Nice setup. I always liked schooling tetras, Cardinals, Rummynoses, Bleeding Hearts, saw a few Congos in there too.


Thanks everyone for nice comments.

Yes, I have two Bolivians (don't appear to be a pair) and a pair of congos. At one point, I had 15+ congos, but they kept dying one by one. I don't think they like higher temp. The tank temp is now around 82, but for a while, I had it at 86 and sometimes 88. Hopefully, the two will make it.

I have 6 Geo. Altifrons I got from Jose back in December. They have grown a lot!!! The latest addition to the tank are a pair of blue rams and a male apisto (don't know what kind). I would like to add a few more apistos and a couple of more blue rams.