Video of cyprichromis Moba speckleback displaying


Two of my males were on display this morning when I went in the fishroom to do the morning feeding. They've each staked out a side of the tank and I thought it was a good chance to pull out the camera as it showed one of each color variation. The school is about 20 fish, female heavy, but you can see a couple of the subdominant males herded into the middle of the tank with subdued colors. Sorry about the algae on the glass!



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Great looking males, Charlie. Any fry yet?

I love watching male Cyps chase females and duke it out from time-to-time.

To be honest, I never thought that the "boring filler sardines" in the tank would be so entertaining!

Thanks for posting.


Thanks guys! I've got fry from them, but only about a half dozen and they are growing s l o w l y. They usually hit a growth spurt around an inch. I want to add to the school to get it to around 40 and then hopefully I'll have fry available for anyone who wants them.


Very cool. I've always wanted a large school of cyps, but never got to have them. I will one of these days. Are they all cyps in the tank or do you have other fish in the tank? Looks real nice!


Thanks Yun. There are several lamp stappersi shellies and a trio of cyathopharynx foai sibwesas. They recently bred and the third female is in a holding tank til she spits the fry. Big tank of silver fish except the cyps!


Very nice, both the fish and the video, but there's no excuse for algae on the glass when BN pleco's are more common than convicts these days. ;)
I'm looking into some featherfins and M. parva rainbowfish as a possible Cyp alternative for dithers after the 125 is open for stocking again.


Very nice, both the fish and the video, but there's no excuse for algae on the glass when BN pleco's are more common than convicts these days. ;)

Thanks Todd! There are several 2-3" ABNs in there but they seem content to hang out in the sponge filter tubes and eat off the bottom. Lazy bast**ds! :p


If they're getting too much cichlid food from the bottom that would explain it. If all else fails there's still the old magnetic scrapers. It's not like water spots... :lol:


Yeah, I know. :blush: If I was planning to take pics, I'd have cleaned it, but the photo op was unexpected and I don't worry too much about the glass as long as the water is in good shape. It's not as noticeable in person, but the camera seems to pick it up. Just noticed also that the default setting on youtube is 360p. The video is shot in 720p if you prefer, though it only shows the dirty glass more clearly. :D I'm actually surprised there is much algae on there at all. Lights are only on 3 hours a day.


I'm just messin' with you, I don't think I've ever taken a pic that didn't show water spots. I don't usually bother keeping the glass clean, then when I do want to take pics there's no time to do it beforehand. Love my fish, not photography, and too lazy to do the SLR and spotless glass to take pics like some of the great ones I see on the forum.