update, stuff for sale


Hi everyone! happy holidays!!!

Here is an update of what i still have:

2 ten gallon tanks w sand. hold water, nothing else included, $10 both

many 5.5s tbd $

two buckets of plant substrate, about 3/4 + full with mixed plant substrate, im not sure anymore what i used, some flourite some other stuff..make offer and bring buckets, im running out!!

one bucket w large gravel (very large peebles) and some crushed coral mixed, take it please..

65 gallon fish tank with stand and (half of the( glass hoods, just took down about a week ago, $150

fluval 405 with all pieces, hoses, etc (no carbon, none of my tanks use it), might be missing one sponge $80

huge Bolbitis "mini", takes about a quarter to a third of a 20h, $30

5 gallon that leaks, free for glass or to repair.

edsall shelving, 36x18, one of the legs is bent a little so i wouldn't use for fish tanks (thought it held fish tanks while bent), do not have the wood anymore so you need wood.. basically the frame, offer something

10.5 lbs of regular slate. just weighted lol, make offer

pick up in Burke, i can help load the tank, no delivery for the tank,..doesn't fit in my 4 door sedan :/
i can bring stuff to pvas, prices negotiable

not sure why, but i can not upload images..i get the "this is not a valid image" msg.....
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2 ten gallon tanks w sand. hold water, nothing else included, $10 both

one bucket of plant substrate, about 3/4 + im not sure anymore what i used, some flourite some other stuff..make offer and bring buckets, im running out!!

one bucket w large gravel (very large peebles) and some crushed coral mixed, take it please..

40/30 breeder or 65 gallon stand, wood, honey oak with black, stained. great shape!! $100 obo 36x18 footprint

fluval 405 with all pieces, hoses, etc (no carbon, none of my tanks use it), might be missing one sponge $80

huge Bolbitis "mini", takes about a quarter to a third of a 20h, $30

edsall shelving, 36x18, one of the legs is bent a little so i wouldn't use for fish tanks (thought it held fish tanks while bent), do not have the wood anymore so you need wood.. basically the frame, offer something

10.5 lbs of regular slate. just weighted lol, make offer

eco air 8 air pump, bought it a while back-way overkill for me! one of the outlets has weakened .. worth ~$45 new, make offer..

pick up in Burke,
i can bring stuff to pvas, prices negotiable



one bucket w large gravel (very large peebles) and some crushed coral mixed, take it please..

36x16 stand for 40/30 breeder or 65 gallon tall tank. solid wood, honey oak with black finish . great shape!! $100 obo

fluval 405 with all pieces, hoses, etc (no carbon, none of my tanks use it), might be missing one sponge $80
also includes two new, unopened "additives" for the filter, one phosphate remover and a chemi-pure filter medium

edsall shelving, 36x18, one of the legs is bent a little so i wouldn't use for fish tanks (thought it held fish tanks while bent), do not have the wood anymore so you need wood.. basically the frame, offer something

10.5 lbs of regular slate. just weighted lol, make offer

Coralife aqualight T5 NO, 30 inches, with two old bulbs and two brand new ones $35

one adult male pucallpa gold pleco, beautiful (i have 3 males and one girl) $10?

moss, handful ~$5 maybe two or three available.

cichlid cave, $5

pick up in Burke,
i can bring stuff to CCA, possibly

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one bucket w large gravel (very large peebles) and some crushed coral mixed, take it please..

36x18 stand for 40/30 breeder or 65 gallon tall tank. solid wood, honey oak with black finish . great shape!! $100 obo

fluval 405 with all pieces, hoses, etc (no carbon, none of my tanks use it), might be missing one sponge $80
also includes two new, unopened "additives" for the filter, one phosphate remover and a chemi-pure filter medium

edsall shelving, 36x18, one of the legs is bent a little so i wouldn't use for fish tanks (thought it held fish tanks while bent), do not have the wood anymore so you need wood.. basically the frame, offer something

10.5 lbs of regular slate. just weighted lol, make offer

Coralife aqualight T5 NO, 30 inches, with two old bulbs and two brand new ones $35

one adult male pucallpa gold pleco, beautiful (i have 3 males and one girl) $10?

cichlid cave, $5

pick up in Burke,
i can bring stuff to CCA, possibly[/QUOTE]