Well, I've had enough of this! Service Pack 2 toasted my computer so I'm going to reburn the dang thing back down to 32bit.
To forstall all you computer geeks... it's a HP TouchSmart that came with 32 bit OS, upgraded to Vista Premium 64 bit with much hassle and lost all the fun stuff of having a touchscreen. I've been using the 64 OS for a year, still hate it and am going to reburn to the 32 bit Vista Premium. I was thinking I'd wait until "7" came out and just upgrade to that, but the final straw was the system crash with SP2 and issues with my internet connection - just tired of it.
So, in the process of backing up everything... making sure I have copies off all my programs, the keys, cookies, passwords, favorites - including all the trusted zones I have saved. I know I'm going to lose something... I really hate that.
To forstall all you computer geeks... it's a HP TouchSmart that came with 32 bit OS, upgraded to Vista Premium 64 bit with much hassle and lost all the fun stuff of having a touchscreen. I've been using the 64 OS for a year, still hate it and am going to reburn to the 32 bit Vista Premium. I was thinking I'd wait until "7" came out and just upgrade to that, but the final straw was the system crash with SP2 and issues with my internet connection - just tired of it.
So, in the process of backing up everything... making sure I have copies off all my programs, the keys, cookies, passwords, favorites - including all the trusted zones I have saved. I know I'm going to lose something... I really hate that.