I remember when I was first trying to post photos. :unsure:
You might want to post this on APF in the Aquatic Photography "Critique" folder. The guys will give you some very constructinve criticism. Acutally more praise than anything else.
To put your sig on it.
Open it back up in CS2 and do the following:
1. Click on the "T" (text) icon on the left side of the canvas.
2. You will see a box of dashes on the image. That is your text box. If you move you cursor over it you will be able stretch it out and adjust the size using the little arrows when you move the cursor at the corners. Click and drag.
3. You can pick your font, size, margin (center is the best) and color from the selection boxes above the canvas.
4. To include the copyright symbol hold down the "alt" key and type 0 1 6 9 on the numbers keypad (make sure you num lock first). Release the "alt" key and you should have the ©. Type 2005 and your sig.
5. Move the cursor over to the icons on the left of the canvas all the way up to the top icon that shows the arrow. Now you can drag the sig box anywhere you want to place it on the image.
If you want to edit your text, click on the text icon again and drag the mouse over the text and it will highlight what you want to change. Remember you can only type or edit your text after you select the text icon. You can only move your text box after you edit using the arrow icon.
6. Go over to the bottom right where your layers are. Click on the bottom layer and select "flatten layers".
You now can proceed with the rest of your work flow.
This may help anybody that has photoshop to add their sig or any other text to an image.