Trophs and Saulosi


It has been a little over a month since i got tropheus and I added some Saulosi's to the tank. I have been trying to get a good picture but now i have given up!

I did not mess much with my old setup, so it is moderately planted. tropheus have take the lower level and saulosi's predominantly occupy the top area. In the middle i have 2 neon tetra's(!!!) who were impossible to catch but enjoying the new company.. they are doing pretty well given the fact that my trophs are in upper 2 inch size group.

Thanks to some of our CCA members who pushed me in this direction...loving the transition so far... now i want to up the game by working on the habitat... more stones, higher Ph and stuff like that... What do u recommend, I should start with...or do you recommend sticking to what i have and not mess with it at all?!




One thing has been bothering me is mysterious disappearances...

4 neon tetras disappeared when there were only neons and small plecos in the tanks...but tank was infested with snails...(2 months ago)

2 plecos disappeared shortly after adding tropheus... ( month ago)

added saulosi's about a week ago and 1 disappeared.. in about 3 hours of adding... (week ago)

The tank has PFS, 3-4 assasin snails, its a 55G, it is closed pretty well...and these fish just disappeared ..i have opened my canister 3 times in last 2 months just hoping to see someone sucked up, dead fish, some remains,... but nothing..

initially i suspected snails feasting on dead fish, but with the latest saulosi incident, i dont have too many snails left, i see one or two once in a while...

any leads for my closure...


Past CCA President
Still any plecos in the tank? They will usually take care of any corpses if they are in the tank too long.