The King is coming


Very Fishe
He has about ~125k subscribers, more than any other fish Ninja on YouTube. You can pay for any better advertising


potamotrygon fan
Thats crazy! Seeing his leopoldi rays was what wanted me to get into the bigger, nicer rays. It'll be amazing to get a chance to see the guy who inspired me to invest in some nice rays in person


CCA Members
Yes - I hope that Joey's video will convince some first-time fish convention folks to attend and engage with the club (and not just the swap meet) :)



CCA Members
Was it how you found out about CCA as well?

Always interested in how people who keep fish learn about CCA. We have signs in most local stores (the ones that will let us) and of course Craigslist... but what else to get the word out?


That video is how I found out about The Big Fish Deal ;)


Board of Directors
Was it how you found out about CCA as well?

Always interested in how people who keep fish learn about CCA. We have signs in most local stores (the ones that will let us) and of course Craigslist... but what else to get the word out?


I actually found out about the CCA from the forum a while ago but I didn't investigate too much because I had my hands full at the time. It wasn't until I watched the video and looked more into the BFD that I found out more about the CCA. That made me want to register on the forum and then joining.


Was it how you found out about CCA as well?

Always interested in how people who keep fish learn about CCA. We have signs in most local stores (the ones that will let us) and of course Craigslist... but what else to get the word out?


I typed something like Baltimore area fish club and found it that way on Google.