The fish room is a success!


potamotrygon fan
As many of you know I am almost done with the fish room. I just need to get tanks for my fry rack so I still have a good amount of tanks with fish in them. The reason I set up all these tanks in my basement was to keep and breed new species. I've already added new species I've never kept into the room such as skiffia multipunctata, enigmatochromis lucanussi, laeticara thayeri, l104 plecos, zoogeneticus tequila, neocaridinia sp., ect.
Some of these have already spawned as well as fish I've already had spawn in the room. Without further adieu, here's what will be available from me soon:

Skiffia multipunctata: 2 of the females are gravid and one is going to give birth any day now.

Ancistrus sp. pucallpa gold: At first I thought these were l144 but turns out they are pucallpa golds. They look like your regular albino ancistrus except they are a very vibrant yellow. This is the first time they have spawned in my care. The fry I have sold were bred by the previous owner and given to me with the trio. There are about 40 wiggly, little, yellow plecos.

Pelvicachromis teniatus "lobe": I've had this pair for a few weeks in a comunity tank but once I moved them into their own 20 high I instantly saw spawning behavior and not long after they laid eggs in a coconut cave.

Lyretail "gold dust" mollies: This is the 4th time I've had one of these drop fry and another female is looking like she'll be giving birth to the 5th batch.

Amatitlania siquia "tempisque": My wild caught pair has done it again. Before I left for a white water rafting/camping trip their tubes werent down but when I came back last night their tubes were all the way down and this morning I found eggs. I have fry from an older spawn available.

pics coming soon!


The fish wall is a success?
HaHa xD!
You know I'm just kidding man.
I don't know why people got angry at me for saying that!

Cant wait to see pics of it!

Also, how is your stingray doing? Do you still have him?

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Hmmm some adult supervision is required in this thread .....

Just kidding nice job bud

I do have to say it was hilarious watching you "throw you wallet at the auction today"

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Dan and his youthful compatriots are the future for fishkeeping. They are serious and having fun at the same time. They'll make sure CCA sticks around long after most of us are confined to rocking chairs! :)


CCA Members
I've seen Dan's fishROOM and it's great. He's got some really nice fish and well-taken-care of set-ups. I'm really excited for him!

Sadly, "throwing our wallets" at the auction usually means something like $3.50 per fish... ;)



potamotrygon fan
Dan and his youthful compatriots are the future for fishkeeping. They are serious and having fun at the same time. They'll make sure CCA sticks around long after most of us are confined to rocking chairs! :)
lol, thanks Holly
I've seen Dan's fishROOM and it's great. He's got some really nice fish and well-taken-care of set-ups. I'm really excited for him!

Sadly, "throwing our wallets" at the auction usually means something like $3.50 per fish... ;)

Thanks Matt, "throwing my wallet" was an accident but if it means getting $3 fish I might do it again;)