Telmatochromis sp. "temporalis shell"

:D WooHoo got these guys a month ago and have a spawn in the tank. they are very very tiny only about 1/16th of an inch if that but ill try to get pics up later today if i can get one :D


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
That's awesome. Congrats.

Don't really know much on Tangs, so I looked them up. Apparently, they're tough little buggers... males and females. :)

Good luck.


These are a very cool shellie and I hate shellies for the most part :lol: ( I do have a couple but they are the weird ones lol ). I remember when I joined this club the guy that introduced me to this club kept these and bred them. Very cool shell dweller that is actually pretty hard to come by. Like mini julies that live in shells :)