Tank design



My younger brother has a small hexagon aquarium, something between 5-10 gallons, with the filter and everything included on the hood, sitting empty. I want to turn this into a cool little aquarium for him, and I'm thinking of doing a sand bottom, with a piece of driftwood climbing up the middle of the tank. I'm not sure about the lighting with it, but I know some plants can grow with one of the small led lights. So any suggestions on plants, design, or stocking?


What's the type of plant that looks like grass and looks really good in sand? This will be my first planted tank. Also, I'm thinking I some small gobies or gudgeons


I don't really want shrimp, or heavily planted. Im thinking of sand, with a piece of driftwood reaching to the top of the tank in the center, a java fern next to the driftwood, and some smaller plants/grasses around in the sand.


dwarf sags or eleocharis acicularis might work for the bottom.. shrimps would be happy in a lightly planted tank. might need to toss a root tab or two to feed the plants in there :D good luck!